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Woman refused permission to breast feed

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I suppose if the story is made up then the Council's apology must be made up too.


Councillor Shoab Akhtar maintained that the council fully supports the right of any mother to breastfeed children and actively encouraged it due to the long-term health benefits.


He said: “Ms Mitchell’s disappointing experience has highlighted the need to make all our staff fully aware of our policy and our legal requirements. All staff will be trained in the coming days to ensure this never happens again. We are contacting Ms Mitchell to unreservedly apologise for the unnecessary difficulty she experienced.



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I suppose if the story is made up then the Council's apology must be made up too.






Yes I'm well aware of the council's apology, that's what public bodies do in all situations where they encounter issues like this rather than deny it happened out of hand.


Notice no reference is made to the allegation having been investigated and proven..just an indication that staff will undergo further training, that sort of response is a political one, it keeps the complainant happy without accepting their version of events.


First Buses issued an apology to Samantha Farndon when she complained about being kicked off the bus by the driver who supposedly objected to her son's England shirt, it was found to be a made up allegation following investigation.


Metroline issued an immediate apology after the claim by the two Muslim students in Slough who were refused entry by the bus driver you highlighted earlier..another grievous allegation made up to cause trouble following inspection of cctv footage on the bus.


For this incident to have any credibility, the council employee who made the request has to be identified, her account given and she disciplined before I'll accept anything the complainant or the Daily Mail say about the incident.

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The 'multicultural' bit has been added by the complainant for maximum effect and the 'Muslim' bit added by the Daily Mail because that's what they do.


I wonder if the Daily Mail derives its news stories from the recycle bin of those The Star finds too ridiculous to cover :hihi:


GOD! I so wish we had a "like" button!

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So now you're saying because she is white and from Oldham she must be BNP?
No I'm not saying that, just highlighting a possible connection.

To me that is racist.


Yes you would say that wouldn't you and it demeans your argument because you're trying to intimidate me into taking a different stance.


Funny how the race card is played from the most surprising of quarters.


Just for the record, if I visited an establishment and was refused access or access to services for no good reason, I would complain to the establishment concerned and seek restitution-I wouldn't go bawling to the Daily Mail about it since it would achieve nothing other than sensationalising something that could well have a less sinister connotation.

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Is it really worth arguing about a silly mistake.


Sadly it is because many people are keen to give credence to stories of this nature, which if left unchallenged become the accepted norm of public perception and give justification to people who had a malicious agenda in the first place.


I can think of many examples and Facebook protest pages relating to "Muslims demanding England flags aren't flown/England football shirts aren't worn/Muslims bulldozing Christian gravestones' etc etc.


Before common sense prevails Muslims are abused in the streets and their grave sites and mosques vandalised because people are upset about the stories, which they would be entitled to be....if they were true.

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No I'm not saying that, just highlighting a possible connection.



Yes you would say that wouldn't you and it demeans your argument because you're trying to intimidate me into taking a different stance.


Funny how the race card is played from the most surprising of quarters.


All Asians in Dewsbury could be terrorists....just highlighting a possible connection. That is not racist I take it?


The fact is you mentioned the BNP because she is white and for that reason only. Would you have brought the BNP in to it if the complainant was black or Asian?

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Sadly it is because many people are keen to give credence to stories of this nature, which if left unchallenged become the accepted norm of public perception and give justification to people who had a malicious agenda in the first place.


I can think of many examples and Facebook protest pages relating to "Muslims demanding England flags aren't flown/England football shirts aren't worn/Muslims bulldozing Christian gravestones' etc etc.


Before common sense prevails Muslims are abused in the streets and their grave sites and mosques vandalised because people are upset about the stories, which they would be entitled to be....if they were true.


But what I have read about this case it was a receptionist who wrongly perceived what could cause offence to others.

Another case of sensational and irresponsible reporting. Once the management and Muslim leader had explained their position there was no story. Only a silly mistake made by a receptionist.

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Funny how the race card is played from the most surprising of quarters.



Yes because usualy its only non whites who are allowed to play that card.

Thankfully in these times of diversity an understanding us whties can now call someone racist when they are being as such.

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All Asians in Dewsbury could be terrorists....just highlighting a possible connection. That is not racist I take it?


The fact is you mentioned the BNP because she is white and for that reason only. Would you have brought the BNP in to it if the complainant was black or Asian?


Im playing them at their own game. Ive been posting here for 6 years and quite frankly am sick of pussyfooting and using delicate language with arseholes.

Im making the claim that this story is a lie because I can, just like the people who make up these allegations in the first place and those who seize upon them to further their own hate filled agenda.

I could spend my life posing the same questions you address to me to the real racists here.


If half of what was said about Muslims was true Id be donning my jackboots too.

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