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The BNP and foreign students

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Funnily enough I observed this pattern amongst people like yourself and for anyone who is interested you can go back through this thread and see I asked you the same question at least 3 times before I finally got a reply.


Do you think indigenous Britons benefit from the relationship between educational institutions and foreign students?

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2. The 'a political party' Brons joined was the National Socialist (commonly shortened to 'Nazi') Party, he did so on Hitler's birthday because he admired Hitler and he did so about 20 years after the holocaust.


He joined the National Socialists, which was formed on Hitlers Birthday. Are you confusing the date he joined with he day the party was formed, or did he actually join on the anniversary of the partys formation?

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He joined the National Socialists, which was formed on Hitlers Birthday. Are you confusing the date he joined with he day the party was formed, or did he actually join on the anniversary of the partys formation?


Does it really matter? he joined the ****ing nazi party!! that isn't a normal thing to do is it!! by any standards that makes him a weirdo of a very rare breed



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which question? you seemed to be mainly focussed on my joke about sprouts (I've regretted eating sprouts before but never thought I'd regret making a joke about them)


here's some straight questions

1 did you vote for Brons?

2 did you know about his Nazi past?

3 would you still have voted for him if you'd known?


1. Yes I vote BNP and in particular Andre Brons because I love him.


2. Do you mean his take on National Socialism? Yes. I know tyou want to try and make out he wants to gas all the jews etc but that's just you and your childish ways being very devious.


3. Well had people like you been honest in the first place then possibly not but as you have decided the best course of action is to lie about someone's past, what they truly believe in and pretend you get physically sick at the mention of them then I think anyone who has a shred of intelligence will look further. If like me they discover feckwads like you having been telling porkies then seriously what would you expect them to do?

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Do you mean he did or didn't have a history stretching back 20,000 years? I say 20K but then the figure is down to you right?


Is it? I've no interest in how long people have history here, that's your and the BNP's obsession.


Anyone born here is British as far as I'm concerned, whether they're worthy of that description is down to their individual character and how they behave here & now, not what colour or religion they are or how far they can trace their ancestry back-that's just the lottery of birth.

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Is it? I've no interest in how long people have history here, that's your and the BNP's obsession.


Anyone born here is British as far as I'm concerned, whether they're worthy of that description is down to their individual character and how they behave here & now, not what colour or religion they are or how far they can trace their ancestry back-that's just the lottery of birth.


But as we've witnessed that's your obsession is with indegnious Brits which you consider are white. Again that is on this very thread.

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But as we've witnessed that's your obsession is with indegnious Brits which you consider are white. Again that is on this very thread.


Would you take your head out of your arse and try and address the issues relevant to the thread please?

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Would you take your head out of your arse and try and address the issues relevant to the thread please?



Is it? I've no interest in how long people have history here, that's your and the BNP's obsession.


When you stop lying, unplug your head and be honest for once sure..

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