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The BNP and foreign students

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now now boy F, anyone intelligent enough to say 'suffice to say' is clearly a high grade intellectual worthy of respect, and don't you forget it.


It does have a sort of mediaeval ring to it, a bit like his thinking ;)

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Why address it? Everyone knows what the score is. People are either for it or they are not. Nobody is ever going to change their opinion, so why try and make them? If you take the line of trying to change someones' opinions you will only make yourself unhappy.


if you disagree with discussion, why are you on here? I'm not trying to change your opinion, I'm expressing mine ,it's called democracy (or summat)

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Amongst the contributions to the piece on their website are such comments as these-

"What I fail to understand is why are we educating foreigners anyway if we want to compete as a country in commerce and industry? Why not let them wallow in their own ignorance, it means nothing to me.



"They also get jobs that they can't do simply because of their colour, I've seen this with my own eyes."



"Now Britain is teaching the world, all those who wanted independence from us now can't wait to come over here and get an education, and guess what, about 28% of them think its ok to blow us up, i'am all for helping others but before we do that lets help our young people, make every foreigner pay for two British students if they want our Country to educate them..."


From the comments, they can rest easy. It appears that a British education isn't all that it's cracked up to be.

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ERM......it appears that this thread has got sidetracked!

To get back on track I shall reiterate:-

The BNP are all evil thick monsters who know nothing whereas all coloured and foreign people are really intelligent, unassuming, worldly, selfless amiable people, especially the onesin England.:)


That about covers it!


We haven't heard that one before ....INNIT!


Ah thanks for that, I look forward to you not contributing further then.


It may well be Mecky, but the BNP are seeking to make political capital out of it-right here, right now.


How recent is their statement about overseas students? The A-Level results are out next month and last year I lost count of the time I had to speak to angry UK parents about how their kids couldn't get into the uni due to the cap on numbers but there were still places available for non-EU students.

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ERM......it appears that this thread has got sidetracked!

To get back on track I shall reiterate:-

The BNP are all evil thick monsters who know nothing whereas all coloured and foreign people are really intelligent, unassuming, worldly, selfless amiable people, especially the onesin England.:)


That about covers it!


We haven't heard that one before ....INNIT!


yes the BNP are evil thick monsters, at least we can agree on something.

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Forgive me but I've never started a thread to seek negative views about individual posters-you have.


As I said my back's broad enough, I welcome the opportunity to address your criticisms, but sadly the thread was closed before I could.


It's not only your back that's broad flower. :hihi::hihi:

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if you disagree with discussion, why are you on here? I'm not trying to change your opinion, I'm expressing mine ,it's called democracy (or summat)


It is possible to disagree about the subject of a discussion (many, many,many,many,many, etc,etc,etc, times rehashed) without disagreeing about the concept of discussion?

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Is that white english? black english? brown english? yellow english?


Muslim english? Hindu english? Buddhist english? Sikh english? Jewish english?

:hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi:.....you lot really love a good thread where you can distort everything that someone says and then call them racist!

It really is pathetic!


Where in the post you replied to were you referred to as a 'racist'? You were asked a simple question having made an ambiguous statement.


You said racism wouldn't exist if England was only made up of the English.


You were then asked who you meant by "English"- a perfectly reasonable question?


I'm black, was born here, have contributed all through my working life, consider myself English and and very proud to be so. So are you saying racism wouldn't exist if England was full of people like me?



Ps: and what do you think to foreign students and the revenue they bring into UK universities-about £6.5 billion every year+the monies they pay for accommodation, utilities, food, clothes, leisure etc?

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Ah thanks for that, I look forward to you not contributing further then.




How recent is their statement about overseas students? The A-Level results are out next month and last year I lost count of the time I had to speak to angry UK parents about how their kids couldn't get into the uni due to the cap on numbers but there were still places available for non-EU students.


there's no cap on numbers, there's a cap on funding, the tories won't pay for oiks to be educated and overseas students will pay, it isn't the indonesian engineering student's fault , it's cleggs. If the parents are (rightly) angry that their children won't be educated, tell clegg,make sure he he knows about it.

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