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The BNP and foreign students

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..like I thought, obsessed with me-


I do so hope you look like Sigourney Weaver and not Chubby Brown :hihi:


ha ha no chance,but on topic I can see why the BNP would have a go at the coalition especially the Tories who seem to be saying one thing and doing another.

If you are serious about cutting the number of non E U immigrants you dont go to Brazil asking them to come here provided they pay a large amount of money,its hypocrisy.

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ha ha no chance,but on topic I can see why the BNP would have a go at the coalition especially the Tories who seem to be saying one thing and doing another.

If you are serious about cutting the number of non E U immigrants you dont go to Brazil asking them to come here provided they pay a large amount of money,its hypocrisy.


It may well be hypocrisy but if you own a shop you don't create an environment where your best customers can't shop in it, especially if it means your own children might suffer in the long term.

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The cap on funding effectively is a cap on numbers. If the funding isn't there then the institutions aren't going to waive the fees.


I am in agree with you, the government's attempt to create a fake competition and market across the sector has led to really, really good home students with no place. In some cases last year I spoke to students who had AAC at A-Level and were unable to get a place in clearing as no one had any places left!


That, together with the UKBA chopping and changing the rules for interational students in the middle of the application cycle, will lead to real problems further down the line when students from the UK to Malaysia become disaffected with HE in the UK. The BNP statement is a clever one, trying to exploit this disaffection.


the BNP ARE clever at the higer levels and need to be taken on however and wherever possible, unfortunately, the SF is infected with racists who stifle opposition and the mods tend to side with them.

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Really? I must have blinked.


possibly, the NF descended into mayhem and then obscurity a long time ago - at the time there was another far right party called the BNP who were beyond the pale because of their overt neo nazi links. One of them was a man named Andrew Brons, Andy joined the National Socialist party on Hitler's birthday (he could've joined on his own 15th birthday, but he preferred Adolf's).


Does his name ring a bell? it should, because he is YOUR MEP, he represents you and me in the european parliament as we speak, that is clever - nick griffin has been a clever and wily little nazi who has pulled the wool over our eyes and gained a substantial support base that punches above its weight and goes unchallenged.


that's clever.


update, got my history a bit wrong re brons leaving the NF, it was a little later tha I remembered, but the additional bits about asking for funding for a swastika flag and discussing the possible bombings of synagogues are intersting, ask him about them - he's your representative.

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the BNP ARE clever at the higer levels and need to be taken on however and wherever possible, unfortunately, the SF is infected with racists who stifle opposition and the mods tend to side with them.


Really. I don't think those who post offensive racist comments would agree with you somehow.

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Really. I don't think those who post offensive racist comments would agree with you somehow.


the SF is full of both overt and snidey racism, the mods often don't appear to have much understaing of the laws on icitement to racist hatred and often warn people (including me) of being personal when it is pointed out, that's my point.


Don't allow a discussion forum to become a platform for bigoted and unlawful racist propoganda.

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It may well be, but how are they going to pay for it?


Yes, but it's rose tinted thinking isn't it? The universities wouldn't exist and be competitive without revenue, it has to come from somewhere.


If it's right that British students have free or subsidised education (which I agree with btw), then someone has to pay for it, which would mean significant increases in taxation without the income from foreign students..£6.5 billion every year!


How can anyone perceive that as a negative? Foreign students aren't taking a place from a British one because the place wouldn't exist in the first place without the foreigner's income.


The BNP want to save the money that is spent on wars, the EU and foreign aid and use it to provide a free education. They want to cut the social security bill and train our young to do the jobs that immigrants are doing.

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My interpretation of the article is that the Brazilian government is going to pay for its students to be educated here whilst at the same our students have to pay for themselves, our government doesn’t pay for their educations, and I believe free university education is one BNP’s pledges.


The article is an attack on Tory policy of using our university system to educate foreigners instead of British students, the quotes aren’t necessarily representative of BNP policy because anyone can post a reply.


Even if the students aren't directly paying for their course via fees, the courses still need paying for. There is no such thing as free University courses, they need paying for somehow.


So in effect the Brazilian government is contributing to UK students education by helping to fund the Universities.

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