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Car insurance young drivers

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Responsible people have been priced out of driving and the irresponsible ones still drive.


With half of the top ten profiles for uninsured drivers being males under 25, they are more likely to flout the law by driving without car insurance.


So the young men most likely to be involved in these accidents, are those most likely to break the law, by driving uninsured.


High insurance doesn't stop them.


Well, look on the bright side. People who drive without insurance are unlikely to be sentenced to more than 6 months (maximum a magistrate can award) so they will only do 3 months.


Driving without insurance is a prevalent offence, so there is likely to be no shortage of 'fresh meat' doing 3 months in prisons.


Male prisoners under the age of 25 are often very popular with long-term prisoners, who see the short-termers as 'visitors' who bring a little 'attraction' into an otherwise boring existence.


If society can't convince some of its under-25 male members that driving without insurance is socially unacceptable, then it may - at least - provide a highly-valued 'social service' by sending those persons to a place where they may provide a degree of companionship to those who are lonely.

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Well, look on the bright side. People who drive without insurance are unlikely to be sentenced to more than 6 months (maximum a magistrate can award) so they will only do 3 months.


It's very unlikely anyone would be locked up for a first, second, third, fourth offense. Occasionally it may happen and be publicised in the media. Prison is full, even violent criminals get suspended sentences. On top of that, the prison population is being reduced.

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A lot of insurance is quoted on (IF) IF you hit an expensive merc IF you have a crash well what about do we get our 5 to 10k back IF we don't do either? not going to happen,I do agree with insurance but still fail to see why in 12mth its more than doubled from £1300 to£3330 I thought it were innocent till proven guilty

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