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Cameron knackered

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Cameron is good at certain things, but shows terrible judgement with other things.


This is about his terrible judgement. And it will undo him.


As Harold MacMillan said in response to a question about what was the most difficult thing about being PM -"events, dear boy, events"


At the end of the day, most PMs are not judged on whether they implemented this policy or that policy, but how they manage an event or crisis.


In his first few months, Brown was regarded as managing events, such as flooding and terrorist attacks, well. He was also widely praised for the way he managed the financial crisis (maybe he played his part in creating it, but he managed the crisis well, by most experts reckoning).


Cameron on the other hand, is all talk. He's all at sea on thid one, and doesn't appear to know his backside from his elbow. This lack of being able to cope with a crisis will be his downfall. Maybe not now, but sometime down the line. The man is weak, just look at his flip flopping on policy.

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Cameron is good at certain things, but shows terrible judgement with other things.


This is about his terrible judgement. And it will undo him.


There's no training course, you know, politics tend to be a case of one minute a saint and the next a sinner. Churchill made the most monumental mistake in backing Anthony Eadon, instead of the far more competent Harold Macmillan to succeed him.

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There's no training course, you know, politics tend to be a case of one minute a saint and the next a sinner. Churchill made the most monumental mistake in backing Anthony Eadon, instead of the far more competent Harold Macmillan to succeed him.


Sure, there's no training course. But there are certain things or people a PM or prospective PM should definitely avoid. And Cameron has failed to avoid them.


The 'second chance' argument for Coulson is pathetic. The 'second chance' was given because Cameron thought nobody could touch him. He had NI on his side (staffed at senior levels by personal friends) and NI in turn had the police in its back pocket. And the police at times in this last year have behaved as if some form of right-wing militia. That's a problem for Cam - two of the cornerstones of his position of power (NI and the police) have made absolutely no friends in the last year.

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It never brought down Blair or Brown and they did far worse, so why would it bring Cameron down?


They weren't directly associated with people who were being arrested on suspicion of criminal offences. Remember, two of Cameron's personal friends have been arrested in the last two weeks. This is not really a discussion of his record as PM in terms of delivery of policies, not that he has delivered much at all.

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Your widest dreams? Do you dream in cinamascope?:P


Sure do. They're even better when I wear 3D glasses. :)


Just shows that you should always check what you've typed - there's always someone out there in the great British pubic ready to jump on you.

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They weren't directly associated with people who were being arrested on suspicion of criminal offences.


ROFL, is that a joke?


Cash for Honours? Blair himself was questioned by police.


Damien McBride - which happened whilst in the employment of No.10, unlike with Coulson which is from a previous employment.

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