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Rebekah Brooks arrested

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The Met are all corrupt anyway, or at least the higher-ups are. Another police force should take over the case, one that can be trusted.


That's a fair point, and they are going to take a hammering from the enquiries that are being set up. But with the amount of attention this is getting, there's no way the Met can hide anything under the carpet.


Lots more to come on this one.

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According to the BBC, a 43 year old woman has been arrested in connection with the phone hacking scandal.


Can't be long before one Murdoch jnr gets the 6am knock at the door. Bring it on.


Sure its not Carol Decker?

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absolutely poppins -the rozzers did it quick so she couldn't squeal on them on Tuesday, it's all sub judice now, the select committee will be boring which is very very disappointing, the dirty digger and his half baked lad will also use it as a cover, don't expect anything more than 'strewth mate' and 'put another shrimp on the barby' from the old ****

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No more flying to Venice for lunch.


I'm having a chip butty in Wath on Tuesday, she's welcome to join me.


Oh no, forgetting, she's walking with 3 and a half mill in her pocket and her husband's also a multi millionaire.


she can still come to wath fryery though if she's nowt on.

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It's getting a little boring now all this NOTW, Murdoch, Brooks, phone hacking scandal stuff, the way some are raving about it you would think Adolf Hitler had just been found hiding in a bunker. Rebekah Brooks getting arrested won't affect our lives on a daily basis no matter what justice get's dished out, there are more pressing social and political issues, all this lot does is detract !

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