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Rebekah Brooks arrested

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It's getting a little boring now all this NOTW, Murdoch, Brooks, phone hacking scandal stuff, the way some are raving about it you would think Adolf Hitler had just been found hiding in a bunker. Rebekah Brooks getting arrested won't affect our lives on a daily basis no matter what justice get's dished out, there are more pressing social and political issues, all this lot does is detract !


Have to disagree with you. Between the Sun, NOTW and the ghastly Fox News in America, Rupert Murdoch has gone from strength to strength as the major cheer leader of a very vitriolic and jingoistic brand of conservatism which champions the interests of the rich and powerful by drawing a certain type of person in through a mixture of titilation, sensationalism and correctly gauging their prejudices in such a way that many of them are manipulated into taking on the political opinions which Murdoch's rags spoon feed them in the belief that they are their own.


In turn, he has used the influence built up in this manner to blackmail, bully and bribe politicians, and even top police officers into furthering his agenda.


I am delighted that it is all coming crashing down around his ears, because it does effect me when one man can interfere in the democratic process by controlling an effective block vote through his crude but effective propaganda machine. The further and longer he and his minions fall, the happier I will be, and I don't find it boring in the least bit.

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I'll be on the jury, it'd be ace, I'm completely unbiased in my view that she totally guilty and should die weeping alone in prison.

I'll ring em up and volunteer.


Oh well, that's you added to the list of those who could be found to be ineligible.


Of course, the arrest will prevent her from giving evidence to the Select Committee on Tuesday.


Quite conveniently, her arrest by the police will prevent her from having to answer questions about payments to police officers.




A media stitch-up? I wonder whether the police had to pay this time or whether it was 'payback time'?


*Eagerly anticipates Private Eye landing on the doormat next week.*


They'll have a long way to go to beat: "Buggers Can't be Losers."

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She surely has to be charged. My guess is that she will be. The only conceivable reason to arrest her at this point in the saga is to silence her on Tuesday.


agree jim - police, PM, Murdoch,etc etc all have a vested interest in the circus not performing on Tuesday - even the chair of the media committee is implicated in murdoch backhanders , very disappointing but cleverly tactical - if she's not charged ( and I guess that she won't be - bailed to reappear - we'll see) she can still use it to go 'no comment' at the com'tee, if she turns up.


I'm loving it (as fellow corporate fascists mcdonalds say)

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Charged with what?


"Knowing somebody who committed a criminal act?" (hardly a criminal offence.)


"Inciting somebody to commit a criminal act?" (An offence, but you need to prove 'beyond reasonable doubt' to get a conviction.)


She's safely out of the way. Perhaps a number of very senior people will sleep more easily ... for a while, at least.

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Charged with what?


"Knowing somebody who committed a criminal act?" (hardly a criminal offence.)


"Inciting somebody to commit a criminal act?" (An offence, but you need to prove 'beyond reasonable doubt' to get a conviction.)


She's safely out of the way. Perhaps a number of very senior people will sleep more easily ... for a while, at least.


no no the charges are clear -


paying a public official (bribery)


incitement to commit


conspiracy to commit


perverting the course of justice (and conspiracy thereof) - james digger is in deep water there too.




I can't see her walking out with a charge sheet today, she'll be bailed I guess, but, as you say, she's silenced for now and perhaps people will forget about soon it and they can ride it all out in luxury.

My non news savvy workmate mixed murdoch up with julian assange, so keeping stum might just pay off.

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