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Rebekah Brooks arrested

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It's getting a little boring now all this NOTW, Murdoch, Brooks, phone hacking scandal stuff, the way some are raving about it you would think Adolf Hitler had just been found hiding in a bunker. Rebekah Brooks getting arrested won't affect our lives on a daily basis no matter what justice get's dished out, there are more pressing social and political issues, all this lot does is detract !


The demise of Murdock will affect our lives inasmuch as it means he won't be deciding who wins general elections

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The demise of Murdock will affect our lives inasmuch as it means he won't be deciding who wins general elections


exactly keith, what we're seeing is democracy breaking out, probably temporarily, but beautiful all the same - murdoch controlled the press, the political establishment and the police, his agenda was the destruction of trade unions and the replacement of democracy with a disgusting corporate gangsterism. Al Capone did the same in chicago.


It's extremely rare, possibly unprecedented ,for corporate gangsterism like this to fall.


Paul Dacre next?

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his agenda was the destruction of trade unions and the replacement of democracy with a disgusting corporate gangsterism. Al Capone did the same in chicago.


People in this part of the world should never forget the support Murdoch's papers gave to the Tories in the 80s. Every attack on industry was supported to the max. The police lined up alongside Thatcher and Murdoch.

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People in this part of the world should never forget the support Murdoch's papers gave to the Tories in the 80s. Every attack on industry was supported to the max. The police lined up alongside Thatcher and Murdoch.


We live in interesting times, Thatcher gave Murdoch license to do as he pleased.

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We live in interesting times, Thatcher gave Murdoch license to do as he pleased.


It was part of the deal they made. He gained control over a massive section of the media. She got almost complete support from him for everything she did. The deal hadn't really changed until two weeks ago, no matter what governemnt was in since then. Interesting indeed.

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Can't be long before one Murdoch jnr gets the 6am knock at the door. Bring it on.


No, no, the Met ring up and ask if it would be convenient for you to ring the station and arrange for you to pop along to your local nick to be arrested at a time convenient to yourself, if it's not too much trouble.

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And who tells or heavily influences what the papers print?


Murdoch does


We all know you treat evey post on here as an attack against the Nasty Party, but this is about how much of a threat Murdoch is to us all.


Just thought I would explain this as your fanatical extreme right wing stance means that you misunderstand most posts and usually answer a question that has not been asked.

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