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Apparently The NoTW is one of the many vicitms of hacking.

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And not only is poor little newscorp a vicitm of hacking but it's also an unfair "piling on" of people who are scrutinising News Corp in a way they aren't other victims of hacking like Citigroup. Or so the not at all biased Fox News would have you believe:


Here's a partial transcript of Fox New's take on the scandal:


"Doocy: What do you make of this particular hacking scandal with the NOTW?


Dilenschneider: Well the NOTW is a hacking scandal it can't be denied, but the issue is really why ae so many people piling on at this point. We know it's a hacking scandal shouldn't we get beyond it and deal with the issue of hacking? Citicorp has been hacked into. Bank of America has been hacked into. American Express has been hacked into. Insurance companies have been hacked into we've got a serious hacking problem in this country and this morning the governments obviously been hacking into for 24,000 files so we've got to find a way to deal with this hacking problem.


Doocy: The company’s come forward and they said, “look, this happened a long time ago – at a tabloid – in London.” Somebody did something really bad and the company reacted. They closed that newspaper. All those people got fired. Even though 99% of them absolutely had nothing to do with it.


Dilenschneider: And if I'm not mistaken Murdock who owns it has apologised but for some reason the public and the media keep on going over it again and again


Doocy: They're piling on


Dilenschneider: It's a little bit too much, but I think the bigger issue really is hacking and how are we as a public going to protect ourselves and protect our privacy. And I would also say by the way Citigroup great bank, Bank of America great bank are they getting the same kind of attention for hacking that took place less than a year ago that News Corp is getting today."


Aren't you just outraged in the way at which Citigroup isn't being scrutinised for being a victim of hacking but Murdocks empire is?


It really is an astonishingly audacious attempt at spin, I only hope it fails as badly as it deserves to.

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It really is an astonishingly audacious attempt at spin, I only hope it fails as badly as it deserves to.


Given that they don't have the faintest idea about cricket, what would you expect?


They'd probably tell you that a 'Googly' is a biased Asian search engine.:hihi:

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Dilenschneider: And if I'm not mistaken Murdock who owns it has apologised but for some reason the public and the media keep on going over it again and again


Oh well, as long as the man who owns the company has apologised, who cares what serious crimes have been committed and whose lives have been affected by the issue!? He's apologised, so let's just forget about the whole thing and pretend that the corruption and the police cover-up never happened shall we? :loopy:


Sheesh, it makes you wonder how supposedly intelligent people can put forward such retarded arguments.


I liked John Stewart's Daily Show take on the whole scandal...



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but it was NoTW doing the hacking.


completely irrevelvent if a bank got hacked?



or have I missed something!? :suspect:

You're not missing anything, just noticing a rather significant distinction between the NOTW and the other institutions mentioned that News Corp were hoping that you'd miss.

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It’s accepted that the NOTW is guilty of hacking but you can’t help but feel this is more political revenge, when labour was in power they were more than willing to look the other way, when Murdochs’ empire was giving Labour the support that the conservatives now have.


There’s still many issues to be answered around the hacking issue & the news/media industry within the UK, issues such as; all parties are guilty of ‘laying in bed’ with particular journalists & various media corporations, many other news papers were involved in the business of hacking phones & email accounts, yet they remain untouched, many papers copied stories in which the information obtained may have come from hacking, this also goes for TV stations which broadcasted the same stories, SKY News, ITV, CH5 ETC, surely they question were the stories originated from, if the business of hacking was well known throughout the journalist profession in 2002 & onwards surely all areas of media should have been questioning the sources or information gathering. I personally believe that Labour who took a massive hammering during the general election are literally pouring petrol on the fire, focussing on the Murdoch Empire for how they treated them during the General election.


I am not condoning NOTW but fairs- fair we need all gutter press to be looked at. Didn’t Vince Cable say sometime back, he was preparing for a battle with Murdoch, there were issues that would shock, & he wasn’t going to allow Murdoch to take over BSKYB.

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