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Met Police Commissioner resigns over hacking scandal

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Stephenson resigns for hiring a former NI employee as a PR consultant. Where does that leave the Prime Minister?


Stephenson is arguing that his personal links to News of the World executive Neil Wallis would hamper the investigation. I think that maybe he's gone because he knows the scale of the collusion between the Met and the News of the World, and he knows that this secret is coming out.

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Their all in it up to their necks


To my mind the police angle is one of the most serious. Anyone who ever thought a News of the Screws journo was honest and law abiding needs their head examined, and we all know politicians like to get cosy with the media but the rozzers look like they have seriously been perverting the course of justice with close links to NotW hacks, their failure to properly investigate the hacking years ago and their, undoubted, backhanders.

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Stephenson argues that, despite having links to and accepting gifts from people connected to an organisation his force was supposed to be investigating, his "integrity is intact.'


If this is true, then there is only one other possible explaination for his behaviour...he is really, REALLY stupid. Quite incredible that someone who is unable to grasp the most basic understanding of appropriate boundaries between a police officer and those he is called on to investigate, could rise to the very top of the force!


What next, Mr Bean for Lord Chief Justice?

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Stephenson argues that, despite having links to and accepting gifts from people connected to an organisation his force was supposed to be investigating, his "integrity is intact.'


If this is true, then there is only one other possible explaination for his behaviour...he is really, REALLY stupid. Quite incredible that someone who is unable to grasp the most basic understanding of appropriate boundaries between a police officer and those he is called on to investigate, could rise to the very top of the force!


What next, Mr Bean for Lord Chief Justice?


I think we've been misled by Columbo and Midsomer Murders and Kojak etc into thinking that top policemen aren't dullards and won't turn a blind eye if someone buys them a meal, pays £12,000 for a stay in a luxury health spa or slips a wad of notes into their back pocket.


Less Inspector Wexford, more Chief Wiggum.

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The Bankers, the Politicians, the Police, the Press......et al.....What a shambles ! A good few of us on S.F. over the years have pointed out more than once how the U.K is on the skids in all manner of ways. We 've often been shouted down by those who have maintained that 's it 's no worse than it 's ever been. If so, why all the fuss then ?

I can 't recall a time when the U.K. has seemed more morally, politically, culturally, educationally, socially and economically bankrupt-------and all at the same time !

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