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Your best friend

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its hard to watch your best friend die

hold the tears don't let them see you cry

the hurt the pain you feel inside always

asking for the reason why


they grow weaker day by day

we have to carry on the same old way

they tell you its fine it will be alright

even though they'er too weak to fight


you watch them as they grow weak

unable to stand on there own feet

its hard to watch your mother die

she's my best friend LORD WHY

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its hard to watch your best friend die

hold the tears don't let them see you cry

the hurt the pain you feel inside always

asking for the reason why


they grow weaker day by day

we have to carry on the same old way

they tell you its fine it will be alright

even though they'er too weak to fight


you watch them as they grow weak

unable to stand on there own feet

its hard to watch your mother die

she's my best friend LORD WHY



Obviously you are going through hell right now and I feel a bit useless because all I can offer is hugs for both you and your Mum.

I lost my Mum just over 4 years ago. It was sudden and quick and she was 83. I can remember thanking God that she hadn't had to suffer some horrible illness and suffer a premature death because of it. My Dad has just turned 87 and despite being a bit creaky and finding getting around a bit more difficult.....he still lives in his own home and even cooks etc for himself.

I just wish that everybody could be as lucky as I've been in having my parents around for such a large part of my life.

As for me.......I've just turned 60 and I hope I'll be around for another 20 or so years so that my children will be able to feel that they can celebrate my life and not feel as if they lost me too soon.


barbie4eva.................big hugs for you and your Mum. xx

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thankyo u for the reply my mother is 67 we have just been told that she has brain cancer and only has a couple of months /she was fine two months ago so we thought no signs of her been ill then she started going dizzy and falling so i tuck her to the hospital to find out what was wrong then 4 hospitals later they told me she had cancer on her brain and in her womb and that they couldn't do anything for her as the cancer was moving so fast they said she will only have a couple of months left it was like someone had dropped a ton of bricks on me as i haven't got over losing my dad and now i have to watch my mother/my best friend die knowing that there is nothing i can do / sorry to go on with my problems and thankyou for your post the verse was just how i feel at moment thanks again

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Im so so sorry to hear that. Try and make the most of the time you have together and cherish every moment. Easy for me to sit here and say, but I cant even imagine what you are going through. Wish there was something more I could say... :(

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aww that was lovely im welling up a little now!


all i can offer you is to say im so sorry for you and your mum, we lost my dad 2 years ago he was a few years younger than your mum and he was ill for about 18 months before he got a chest infection and couldnt fight anymore.


spend as much time with her as you can and cherish every second of that time together. i read to my dad in his last few days as he couldnt get out of bed and i will always remember that book we also listened to his favourite songs and did puzzles and crosswords he loved doing those when he was ok and not ill, i will always cherish the time we spent together reading and doing those last things as it as it was always just us in the room at the time.


ill be thinking of you both.



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Im going through a similer thing with my dad too barbie, hes got prostste cancer and the treatment is managing it rather than getting rid, hes just told me its spread to about 5 additional places, so its getting worse not better

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(((barbie4eva)) Sending hugs to you and your Mum. I sat with my Dad all day, every day for 4 months in isolation i hospital until he passed away with me holding one hand and his older sister the other. The end when it came was very peaceful thank God after the worst time you can imagine. And you know what? 4 years on,the overiding memory of al that tie is spending time holdig his hand ad chatting over old times. And the very special tme he held me and told me he loved me ( big burly Yorkshire man not given to sentiment easily )

Stay strong, you will cope and one day all you will remember are the happy times xx

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