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Israel condemned for imprisoning Palestinian children

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CXC/Moshe, it must be nearly, what, 11 o'clock in Tel Aviv? I hope Mossad are paying you overtime for your obvious total dedication to the Israeli cause. If only the Palestinians were as dedicated to their cause they way you support Israel so well - heck, they'd have a nation state by breakfast time on, I estimate, a week next Wednesday. Lo?


Don't quite follow what you're saying there, MB.


BTW, talking of states, I hear September (at the UN) might be a good time to declare independence from the Occupying power.


By the way, were you involved in the Stuxnet affair?



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Hi there, folks.


And CG :




Yes, I'm saying Israel is no different to the dictatorships that surround it; the only problem is, many millions think the opposite (including Israel itself).


I'm only exposing that hypocrisy.


Hope you can appreciate my threads/posts.


Oh i do appreciate them.

They are the funniest thing since Faulty Towers.

Comedy gold:thumbsup:

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CXC/Moshe, listen old chap, the next time I'm in Tel Aviv, I'd like to buy you a drink, (non-alcoholic of course, as you are a "muslim" ;)), for your dedication to the downfall of the Palestinian cause.


How about we meet on the corner of Dizengoff and Allenby?


Now, how will we recognise each other? Hmmm. I know, I'll dress as a Brit abroad - T-shirt, "It ain't 'arf 'ot mum" shorts, sandals and (most importantly) socks. Now, we need some sort of password. I'll pinch my nose with my right thumb and forefinger and say, "The bull-poop is knee deep on this forum". If you then wave your left hand in front of your face and say, "Yes, but only when I post", we'll be able to secretly recognise each other. Sound like a plan to you old bean?


Edit - I quite understand you denying your involvement in the Stuxnet affair, operational security, plausible deniability and all that ;)

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Some even as young as 12 (and tried in adult military courts too).


Just another insight into the barbaric nature of the only 'democracy' in the Middle East.




An Israeli rights group has criticised the government for jailing Palestinian children, some as young as 12.








From March (2010) :








This seems to be the lowest of the low :


Palestinian children sexually abused in Israeli prisons




Are these the Palestinian kids that Palestinians adults strapped bombs to?

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CXC/Moshe Ooooo you're a sly one, pretending you're as thick as two short planks. Very clever indeed, your Mossad trainers must be so very proud of you. Top of your spy class were you?


Tell me, do you have a "100% score" at being an Israeli agent or are you only "99%". You know what I mean ;)

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Maybe you should also condemn the Palestinian adults that send the children out to throw the stones while they skulk in the shadows


You mean the brave freedom fighters who selflessly almost make the supreme sacrifice, but sacrifice their kids instead.

You mean those?

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