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Wasn't it in Turkey that Madeleine McCann was supposed to have been spotted, but the child turned out to be one of those fair Turks and was perfectly legit with her family?


Maybe Fareast thought he'd come into contact with a fair child whilst working in Turkey that he now thinks could have been Ben. Whatever, I don't think he should have posted it on here, when you're desperate anything grabs you and sets your hopes up If it turns out to be nothing, how is Kerry Needham going to feel? :(


It should have been done privately, imo.


You've hit the nail on the head Ruby, it should have been kept private. When people are desperate they are very vulnerable to people who will exploit that and will give anything to them for a piece of info.

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You've hit the nail on the head Ruby, it should have been kept private. When people are desperate they are very vulnerable to people who will exploit that and will give anything to them for a piece of info.
I'm sure that's not the case here. Fareast is a very long established and well respected member of this forum. I merely think he could have been a little more discreet about his thoughts.


However, it seems to have been resolved now and lets hope that it proves to be something really relevant and useful.

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I'm sure that's not the case here. Fareast is a very long established and well respected member of this forum. I merely think he could have been a little more discreet about his thoughts.


However, it seems to have been resolved now and lets hope that it proves to be something really relevant and useful.


thanks for that ruby...you are also a very respected member of sf might put max right......lets hope this might be a credible lead.....hope so :)

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All I wanted in the first place was a way to contact Kerry, privately. She must know, anyway, that hundreds, maybe thousands of people think they might be able to help. I 'm just another one of them. She said in her statement that the police had never done any investigating since Ben disappeared

My ' leads ' were quite weak......but perhaps worthwhile for Kerry or her friends to pursue. If she thinks it 's worthwhile to pass on what I 've told her to the U.K. police or the Turkish or Greek police, then I would be happy for her to do so. All I said at the beginning of all this, is that I MIGHT have some information that MAY be of help-----hardly going public ! How could that possibly upset Kerry ? I simply wanted an e-mail address to tell her or her friends about a possible lead.

However, my request for an e-mail address seems to have stirred up a hornet 's nest of people who can 't read properly, people who can 't understand plain English, hysterics and just plain troublemakers and nutcases.

Incidentally, I thought Max The Cat wasn 't posting on this thread any more ? Knowing his mental abilities, he 's probably forgotten what he said ! Please, Max The Cat, stick to your word and go and post on ' Have Aliens Taken Over The White House ? ' or ' Should I Have Green Curtains or Red Ones ? ' That would do us all a favour.

I haven 't had a reply from Kerry. Maybe she does think my ' clues ' were too tenuous---I 've no idea. Maybe she received loads of suggestins from people and is ploughing through them. I think my e-mail must have got through o.k., though, as the internet usually tells you if it 's failed for any reaon. If she does reply, I 'll report it to satisfy the nosey-parkers and paranoics.

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All I wanted in the first place was a way to contact Kerry, privately. She must know, anyway, that hundreds, maybe thousands of people think they might be able to help. I 'm just another one of them. She said in her statement that the police had never done any investigating since Ben disappeared

My ' leads ' were quite weak......but perhaps worthwhile for Kerry or her friends to pursue. If she thinks it 's worthwhile to pass on what I 've told her to the U.K. police or the Turkish or Greek police, then I would be happy for her to do so. All I said at the beginning of all this, is that I MIGHT have some information that MAY be of help-----hardly going public ! How could that possibly upset Kerry ? I simply wanted an e-mail address to tell her or her friends about a possible lead.

However, my request for an e-mail address seems to have stirred up a hornet 's nest of people who can 't read properly, people who can 't understand plain English, hysterics and just plain troublemakers and nutcases.

Incidentally, I thought Max The Cat wasn 't posting on this thread any more ? Knowing his mental abilities, he 's probably forgotten what he said ! Please, Max The Cat, stick to your word and go and post on ' Have Aliens Taken Over The White House ? ' or ' Should I Have Green Curtains or Red Ones ? ' That would do us all a favour.

I haven 't had a reply from Kerry. Maybe she does think my ' clues ' were too tenuous---I 've no idea. Maybe she received loads of suggestins from people and is ploughing through them. I think my e-mail must have got through o.k., though, as the internet usually tells you if it 's failed for any reaon. If she does reply, I 'll report it to satisfy the nosey-parkers and paranoics.

she will have got it fareast .......just hope she acts upon it

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Fareast, thinking of this from Kerrys point of view if i were her and you had said to me i might have some news about Ben my heart would lurch but then to be told this news was 10 yrs old would be a real downer.

Like someone said there are lots of fair blonde children in greece and turkey.

Even if the child you were suspicious about had been Ben your actions wether you like it or not would have been too little too late.

Edited by nikita
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Can we please draw a line in the sand at this point.


Fareast has contacted Kerry Needham. We can argue til the cows come home that he should have done it earlier, or that he shouldn't have done it at all, but we can't changed what's happened.


No more discussion of whether fareast was right or wrong, please.

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Nikita----I can see why you 're ' halfway up the hill and round the bend '. I 've said repeatedly that before 2 or 3 days ago there was nothing exceptional about what I remembered in Turkey. Then, when I read Kerry 's account in the ' Star ' [ online ], it triggered something else off which added to the information. If you want to really know what this information was, I suggest you contact Kerry and ask her yourself. Maybe I should have made all this clearer in ' Janet & John ' English ?


When I did contact Kerry by e-mail I did emphasise that my information was tenuous but might be worth following up ? The boy should be easy to trace with the information I 've given her, if Kerry does indeed think it 's worth pursuing.


I must say, I 'm amazed at the sheer stupidity of so many posters to this thread. They seem almost determined to get the ' wrong end of the stick '. They don 't or can 't read things accurately and we can see the confusion it 's caused. What began as a simple attempt to possibly help someone has resulted , in a real explosion of garbage.


Thank you, Andy, for your comment----a ray of light in a sea of ignorance !

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I don't want to be morbid but maybe he can't ?


You aren't being morbid, he def won't know it's his birthday, as his 'new' family wouldn't have known when his birthday was... He might even believe he is older or even younger than he is...


I recall a documentary some years back where they believed they had found him, but the lad didn't want to know and refused to meet Ben's mum - maybe that was him and maybe it wasn't but we'll probably never know...

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