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Kerry thinks about Ben every waking hour, she most probably dreams about him. Her life is ruined, she only stays alive because she believes that she will see Ben again.


Whoever took Ben is responsible for this woman's torment, I can only say that if this was my wife, she would go to her grave hoping and praying that her son would be returned to her, even if he wanted nothing to do with her, she would gain some comfort from knowing that he was alive.


Any lead should be followed up, all avenues explored, this is not about revenge, the courts are there to sort out the legalities.


God bless Kerry.


I have to agree with you on this it would be every mothers' torment to have to live through every day not knowing where your child is, if he is still alive, if he is happy

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Norfolk Park at one point. Not sure if they were still there when little Ben was taken


Must be Stocksbridge way now, as Angela Smith was on Calendar, described as the Needhams' local MP. I can imagine Kerry must at least want to know what happened to her son, even if there is never a normal mother/son relationship. My heart really goes out to her.

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On balance I'd probably agree with that view but I remember reading about Unity Mitford one of the infamous Mitford sisters who had an obsession with Adolf Hitler, it was rumoured that she'd become pregnant by him and had the baby in England which was adopted..imagine being the poor child being given that news!


That never happened. Records and reliable eyewitnesses from the time she was supposedly pregnant have rebutted it plus it's extremely unlikely a pregnancy in those times with their medical knowledge would have survived a near fatal gunshot to the head.

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That never happened. Records and reliable eyewitnesses from the time she was supposedly pregnant have rebutted it plus it's extremely unlikely a pregnancy in those times with their medical knowledge would have survived a near fatal gunshot to the head.


Yes I know it was only a rumour as I said-but the point is imagine if it had happened, would you want to know if you were Hitler's progeny! I was really addressing the poster who said a child should be made aware of the truth whatever the circumstances.

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Yes I know it was only a rumour as I said-but the point is imagine if it had happened, would you want to know if you were Hitler's progeny! I was really addressing the poster who said a child should be made aware of the truth whatever the circumstances.


Last time I looked Kerry Needham was not Hitler.

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Last time I looked Kerry Needham was not Hitler.


Sorry but I think you're reading far too much into what I said and if you read the post which you responded to, you'll see that I've every sympathy for Kerry Needham and wouldn't judge her for whatever she did that she thought was right for her, her family and especially her lost son.

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Keith Bennetts mother knows hes buried on the moors and she also knows theres probably very little left of his body...she would still love to find his grave though and recover what if anything is left,better to leave him be ?...I doubt she would agree ..nor would Kerry Needham


Keith Bennett is known to be dead. Ben Needham, assuming he is still alive, would very probably have his life utterly ruined by finding out his past. It might be good for his mother, but it would almost certainly be bad for him.

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Keith Bennett is known to be dead. Ben Needham, assuming he is still alive, would very probably have his life utterly ruined by finding out his past. It might be good for his mother, but it would almost certainly be bad for him.

I realise that and I was speaking from his mothers point of view,if Ben was found and he is living in a stable home almost certainly his life would be ripped apart and that is question Kerry Needham is going to have to face if that event arises.

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Keith Bennett is known to be dead. Ben Needham, assuming he is still alive, would very probably have his life utterly ruined by finding out his past. It might be good for his mother, but it would almost certainly be bad for him.


That's not entirely correct, there is the other side of the coin. My guess is there are many people out there that would give there right arm for a different parent. That's the dilemma, no one knows.

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