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On balance I'd probably agree with that view but I remember reading about Unity Mitford one of the infamous Mitford sisters who had an obsession with Adolf Hitler, it was rumoured that she'd become pregnant by him and had the baby in England which was adopted..imagine being the poor child being given that news!


The only thing that Unity Mitford had in her body when she returned to England, was the bullet lodged in her brain, that emanated from the loaded pistol that Hitler gave her, in order that she should commit suicide.

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The only thing that Unity Mitford had in her body when she returned to England, was the bullet lodged in her brain, that emanated from the loaded pistol that Hitler gave her, in order that she should commit suicide.


I'm sure you're right, but I was just trying to imagine how someone might feel if they found their biological parent but then discovered they'd done something evil and wicked or in Ben Needham's case his 'parents' had assuming they were responsible for his abduction.

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Is anyone familiar with the story of Steven Stayner, he was abducted in America and lived with his abducter for seven years before having a reuinion back with his family. It was very difficult when they were reunited, there was even a film made of it.


I hope Ben's mum does find him one day, if only to have maybe a little contact. He may just come forward one day, it's definitely possible......

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A Nazi concentration camp torturer in his 90's was recently imprisoned for crimes against humanity, age is no defense for crimes committed in the past.


People who steal other people's children should never be exempt from retribution. Hopefully the authorities are trying to send out a message that reads, 'when we catch you, you will be sent to prison for a long time'.

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A Nazi concentration camp torturer in his 90's was recently imprisoned for crimes against humanity, age is no defense for crimes committed in the past.


People who steal other people's children should never be exempt from retribution. Hopefully the authorities are trying to send out a message that reads, 'when we catch you, you will be sent to prison for a long time'.


Would you consider an amnesty for the people that took Ben and Madeleine if it was the only hope of finding them?

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The only thing that Unity Mitford had in her body when she returned to England, was the bullet lodged in her brain, that emanated from the loaded pistol that Hitler gave her, in order that she should commit suicide.


The Mitford clan hmm now there's a dodgy crew.

Doesn't one of them still live quite near you?


Regarding Benn Needham I strongly believe if he was ever going to be found alive it would have happened a long time ago.

I hope I am proved wrong.

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Would you consider an amnesty for the people that took Ben and Madeleine if it was the only hope of finding them?


Its about the message this sends though. Would other potential abductors feel they could abduct a kid and then at some time in the future admit it and suffer no punishment?


That's a good question though and if it meant finding them an amnesty would have to be the right thing to do..

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Would you consider an amnesty for the people that took Ben and Madeleine if it was the only hope of finding them?


I can see the benefit of an amnesty; no doubt the return of the child to his parents far outweighs the need for the person responsible to be punished. But as an outsider it would leave me very uncomfortable that the person wasn't punished in some way. I also don't think an amnesty after so long would work especially in regards to Ben, I think what Kerry needs is very in-depth & independent investigation, something on the same lines as what Maddie has had,


I personally believe she has been let down, I understand that times have changed, but according to what I remember the authorities weren't exactly forthcoming in helping at the time, it might be a good idea to send another group of detectives from Sheffield, but this time give full control & access to whatever they need.

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