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That’s what I like about SF it always descends into arguing about who is right and who is wrong, on this particular subject no one is right or wrong because no one knows whether he is dead or alive whether he is happy or sad, all we can do is express opinions on the possibilities.


That's not what I was saying at all. HeadingNorth is working from the assumption that if Ben is still alive he will be with people he loves and have a nice comfortable life. It's perfectly possible that he was taken either by someone who wanted a child or someone who wanted to exploit him criminally but is still alive. However in both those scenarios it's extremely unlikely that he would have been cared for by someone who could give him a good life and is far more likely to have grown up as a very damaged young man - people who steal children are either wicked or deranged and won't make good parents. Saying that if he is still alive he will probably still need rescuing is nowhere near the same as saying he is dead.

Again you are working on one sided assumptions. You are thinking purely from the persepctive of nasty evil crazed loons taking him. We could equally assume that he was taken by such loons, and sold to rich people who couldn't have their own children. The number of people that can't have children and also can't adopt a young child perhaps outnumbers crazed loons.

To be fair how do you know that? You can't be critical of other posters who are speculating whilst doing so yourself.

:) I'm glad someone spots these things.

Oh for goodness sake do you really think it's all about money? If he was taken and brought up by someone, no matter how rich or poor they are it's extremely unlikely that they would make good parents. It's more than likely that they will suffer some degree of mental illness or a personality disorder or are just plain wicked because most people, no matter how desperate they are, don't steal or buy children. Bearing that in mind if he is alive and has been brought up by the person he's with now he will probably be with someone like that and will have suffered some degree of abuse be it neglect, emotional, mental or physical.


The kind of people who would buy or steal children are normal and are not stable enough to provide the kind of Shangri-la existence you and several other posters seem to be assuming Ben is living if he is alive.

And still! :roll:

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Again you are working on one sided assumptions. You are thinking purely from the persepctive of nasty evil crazed loons taking him. We could equally assume that he was taken by such loons, and sold to rich people who couldn't have their own children. The number of people that can't have children and also can't adopt a young child perhaps outnumbers crazed loons.




Have you just read that post back to yourself? Are you capable of rational thought. Yes the number of people who can't have children and can't adopt far outnumber the crazed loons. And you know what proves that? The fact that the vast majority of people who can't have kids and can't adopt simply don't have children. Overwhelmingly in that situation that's the result and probably 0.000001% or even less of people in that situation either buy or snatch a child. Because they are NORMAL. People in those situations don't just go out and steal or buy a child and those that do, do it because there is something fundamentally wrong with them that stops them from accepting it and dealing with it as the huge majority of childless people do. So yes they are bloody crazed loonies even if they are childless and can't adopt.


It's not bloody rocket science. Otherwise can you please find your evidence that normal well balanced people who can't have a family on a whim have children stolen to order or snatch them? No you bloody can't because they don't sodding snatch kids.


I look forwards to you providing examples of all these apparently wonderful childless people who have pinched kids and provided them with wonderful homes and had absolutely nothing wrong with them mentally and just felt like it.

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..and again, how do you know (probably)?

Have you read my posts? I haven't made any such assumption, merely offered it as a possibility (amongst others), since other posters are so certain that the life he's living, if in fact he is living one at all, is a miserable one and the interests of his mother are the only ones that should be considered.


As I said to the previous poster. Can you please provide me with some instances and evidence that children are kidnapped by well balanced people and brought up in good homes? Some cases?


You know full bloody well that I could give you reams and reams of children who have been bought or snatched who have been mistreated but you'd struggle to come up with two or three cases of these supposed kidnap victims who end up in normal loving homes with decent stable parents. Yet there is a hard core of posters on here who are determined to whip Kerry by saying her child is probably happy and settled and doesn't even want to be found when a cursory look at the barest evidence about what happens to abducted children proves that's not the case at all.

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As I said to the previous poster. Can you please provide me with some instances and evidence that children are kidnapped by well balanced people and brought up in good homes? Some cases?


You know full bloody well that I could give you reams and reams of children who have been bought or snatched who have been mistreated but you'd struggle to come up with two or three cases of these supposed kidnap victims who end up in normal loving homes with decent stable parents. Yet there is a hard core of posters on here who are determined to whip Kerry by saying her child is probably happy and settled and doesn't even want to be found when a cursory look at the barest evidence about what happens to abducted children proves that's not the case at all.


In other words blood is thicker than water, and there is no stronger love than between a mother and her son.

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As I said to the previous poster. Can you please provide me with some instances and evidence that children are kidnapped by well balanced people and brought up in good homes? Some cases?
I think you're completely missing my point-I'm not saying Ben has been kidnapped by well balanced people or been brought up in a good home, what I'm challenging is your apparent disinterest in considering that scenario and the implications for him if it's so and he discovers the truth.


You know full bloody well that I could give you reams and reams of children who have been bought or snatched who have been mistreated but you'd struggle to come up with two or three cases of these supposed kidnap victims who end up in normal loving homes with decent stable parents.

I wasn't aware there were 'reams and reams' of children who'd disappeared in circumstances similar to Ben's-not that any of us have any idea what those circumstances are.

Yet there is a hard core of posters on here who are determined to whip Kerry by saying her child is probably happy and settled and doesn't even want to be found when a cursory look at the barest evidence about what happens to abducted children proves that's not the case at all.

Well I'm certainly not one of those posters if you look at my few contributions to this this thread and actually reading back what other's have said I don't see anyone 'whipping' Kerry or claiming he's probably happy & settled in his new life..don't confuse the argument by superimposing your view of what happened to him as fact, and therefore anyone who offers a contrary opinion is in some way criticising his mother or hasn't considered the same possibilities you have as well as others that have been suggested.
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Have you just read that post back to yourself? Are you capable of rational thought. Yes the number of people who can't have children and can't adopt far outnumber the crazed loons. And you know what proves that? The fact that the vast majority of people who can't have kids and can't adopt simply don't have children. Overwhelmingly in that situation that's the result and probably 0.000001% or even less of people in that situation either buy or snatch a child. Because they are NORMAL. People in those situations don't just go out and steal or buy a child and those that do, do it because there is something fundamentally wrong with them that stops them from accepting it and dealing with it as the huge majority of childless people do. So yes they are bloody crazed loonies even if they are childless and can't adopt.


It's not bloody rocket science. Otherwise can you please find your evidence that normal well balanced people who can't have a family on a whim have children stolen to order or snatch them? No you bloody can't because they don't sodding snatch kids.


I look forwards to you providing examples of all these apparently wonderful childless people who have pinched kids and provided them with wonderful homes and had absolutely nothing wrong with them mentally and just felt like it.


You really do appear to be getting your knickers into a mighty old twist over this.

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Better: "...than a parent and that parent's child."

Less sexism, please.


Stop with the lawyer speak and political correctness, this is a thread about Ben, Kerry is a woman and Ben is her child. No need to pick Patti up before she's fallen down. And, for your information, I have met Pat on a few occasions and nothing could be further from the truth - so I think you need to follow your own rules and think before you speak:roll::roll:

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