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Have you just read that post back to yourself? Are you capable of rational thought.

Have you read your post back to yourself?...

The kind of people who would buy or steal children are normal [...]

Overwhelmingly in that situation that's the result and[...] probably 0.000001% or even less of people in that situation either buy or snatch a child. Because they are NORMAL.




Yes the number of people who can't have children and can't adopt far outnumber the crazed loons. And you know what proves that? The fact that the vast majority of people who can't have kids and can't adopt simply don't have children. Overwhelmingly in that situation that's the result and probably 0.000001% or even less of people in that situation either buy or snatch a child. Because they are NORMAL.

What you have written proves nothing, as my assumption didn't either. I said they perhaps outnumber - which is a reasonable guess and wasn't implying that all people who want more children go and snatch them! Putting 'fact' and 'probably' in a sentence doesn't sound like any kind of proof to me.


People in those situations don't just go out and steal or buy a child and those that do, do it because there is something fundamentally wrong with them that stops them from accepting it and dealing with it as the huge majority of childless people do. So yes they are bloody crazed loonies even if they are childless and can't adopt.

I never said childless.... I said can't have their own children. Some people already have children and want more.

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Have you read your post back to yourself?...







What you have written proves nothing, as my assumption didn't either. I said they perhaps outnumber - which is a reasonable guess and wasn't implying that all people who want more children go and snatch them! Putting 'fact' and 'probably' in a sentence doesn't sound like any kind of proof to me.



I never said childless.... I said can't have their own children. Some people already have children and want more.


Childless is just you quibbling over details because you know you're wrong. Regardless even if people have children and want more they don't snatch children. And yes you did imply that people who couldn't have children or adopt would snatch children because you said that the fact there were more of them than raving loonies proved your point that he was probably taken by somebody normal who would care for him when it does nothing of the sort. It would only prove that it was more likely he was with someone like that if a significant number of people who couldn't have children or adopt snatched children. It's quite basic statistics.


And another thing that quite basic statistics can prove is that of abducted children who have been found very few are found living in the kind of situation you're describing.


For example:


Jaycee Lee Dugard

Elisabeth Fritzl

Alexandra Griffith

Carlina White

the chlild abducted by Sisouvanh Synhavong

Heather Snively's child

Ben Ownby and Shawn Hornbeck

Alisa Maier


That's just a few minutes googling. Now can you please give me these supposed examples of abducted children who grow up with these wonderful families?


The initial point I was making which seems to have been lost is that Kerry Needham can't just say 'Oh well, he's probably happy, I should just leave him be, he won't want to see me and it's for his own good' because it is actually monumentally more probable that he's not happy and he needs to be found.

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Childless is just you quibbling over details because you know you're wrong.

Perhaps you are selecting bits too. Post 102, you missed what started this debate last page...

We could equally assume that he was taken by such loons, and sold to rich people who couldn't have their own children

Regardless even if people have children and want more they don't snatch children.

I think I'm banging my head against a brick wall here...


Buy Buy Buy!!!


And yes you did imply that people who couldn't have children or adopt would snatch children because you said that the fact there were more of them than raving loonies proved your point that he was probably taken by somebody normal who would care for him when it does nothing of the sort. It would only prove that it was more likely he was with someone like that if a significant number of people who couldn't have children or adopt snatched children.

No, I said 'What you have written proves nothing, as my assumption didn't either.'


And another thing that quite basic statistics can prove is that of abducted children who have been found very few are found living in the kind of situation you're describing.


For example:


Jaycee Lee Dugard

Elisabeth Fritzl

Alexandra Griffith

Carlina White

the chlild abducted by Sisouvanh Synhavong

Heather Snively's child

Ben Ownby and Shawn Hornbeck

Alisa Maier


That's just a few minutes googling. Now can you please give me these supposed examples of abducted children who grow up with these wonderful families?


The initial point I was making which seems to have been lost is that Kerry Needham can't just say 'Oh well, he's probably happy, I should just leave him be, he won't want to see me and it's for his own good' because it is actually monumentally more probable that he's not happy and he needs to be found.

I have to go to work now :(

Again where did I say this? I said they might be sold to rich families. Rich neither means wonderful or not.

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The Mitford clan hmm now there's a dodgy crew.

Doesn't one of them still live quite near you?


Regarding Benn Needham I strongly believe if he was ever going to be found alive it would have happened a long time ago.

I hope I am proved wrong.


I have thought the same thing since he was "abducted"

For those that are wondering, I put it that way as there was never any proof that he was actually abducted (as far as im aware)

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I have thought the same thing since he was "abducted"

For those that are wondering, I put it that way as there was never any proof that he was actually abducted (as far as im aware)


What happened to him then, he wandered off and took a liking to a stranger and asked to be adopted? Maybe he was beamed aboard a spacecraft. If he was playing one minute and gone next, what options are there in way of explanation?:roll:

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What happened to him then, he wandered off and took a liking to a stranger and asked to be adopted? Maybe he was beamed aboard a spacecraft. If he was playing one minute and gone next, what options are there in way of explanation?:roll:


There IS another explanation, but im not willing to put it on a public forum as it would be classed as libel if I was ever proved to be wrong.


Not saying that I am right of course, it just one of the theories that was bounced about one night during a discussion on this very subject a long time ago...

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There IS another explanation, but im not willing to put it on a public forum as it would be classed as libel if I was ever proved to be wrong.


Not saying that I am right of course, it just one of the theories that was bounced about one night during a discussion on this very subject a long time ago...


I know exactly what you're talking about and there has never been a shred of evidence to support that. And I'm not talking a 'McCann' shred of evidence where there is plenty of circumstantial evidence and a lot of conflicting statements and claims that don't add up, there actually is no evidence.

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Have you just read that post back to yourself? Are you capable of rational thought. Yes the number of people who can't have children and can't adopt far outnumber the crazed loons. And you know what proves that? The fact that the vast majority of people who can't have kids and can't adopt simply don't have children. Overwhelmingly in that situation that's the result and probably 0.000001% or even less of people in that situation either buy or snatch a child. Because they are NORMAL. People in those situations don't just go out and steal or buy a child and those that do, do it because there is something fundamentally wrong with them that stops them from accepting it and dealing with it as the huge majority of childless people do. So yes they are bloody crazed loonies even if they are childless and can't adopt.


It's not bloody rocket science. Otherwise can you please find your evidence that normal well balanced people who can't have a family on a whim have children stolen to order or snatch them? No you bloody can't because they don't sodding snatch kids.


I look forwards to you providing examples of all these apparently wonderful childless people who have pinched kids and provided them with wonderful homes and had absolutely nothing wrong with them mentally and just felt like it.


Worldwide thousands of children go missing and are never found, some may end up being illegally adopted (bought) by good people that are unable to have children, it’s something we will never know because they don’t advertise the fact they just bought a child.

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I know exactly what you're talking about and there has never been a shred of evidence to support that. And I'm not talking a 'McCann' shred of evidence where there is plenty of circumstantial evidence and a lot of conflicting statements and claims that don't add up, there actually is no evidence.


My point exactly, and I wouldnt be surprised to find that my theory is valid in BOTH cases...

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Kerrys life was changed forever that awful day 20 years ago

I will never forget it because my son was the same age as Ben...all those years of heartache and helplessness...she has been tireless in her search for him


I just hope to God she will one day be re-united with him (even if only temporarily)...and his grandparents of course .... before its too late

Good Luck to them in this new lead

my son is also the same age, and to never know what happened is unthinkable, just for her and her family to know that he was safe and has been loved, would be everything.

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