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The way that one case gets more media attention than another has always been around. The media have this concept of an 'ideal victim' - good upbringing, middle class, photogenic kids. Was but true. When milly dowler went missing her case was allover the news, when danielle Jones went missing, the case wasn't hardly publicised as she was from a single parent family off a Council estate and had a low income. Same with how the case of holly and Jessica was publicized, but when two boys went missing a few years before, they didn't receive much attention, as one of the boys had convictions for shoplifting. Therefore making them unideal victims in the eyes of the media. So unfair

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Please note this thread had to be removed from the forum due to a number of inappropriate comments. We have now reinstated it but please keep to the topic. This is a sensitive issue and please bear in mind that Ben's family may well be reading this thread.

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How times have changed.... Kerrys son disappeared whilst just outside playing - she got barely any help from the media/authorities


the mccanns go out drinking and leave their kids in a strange bedroom a block away and get the whole world and the frigging pope involved. Now tell me this, if the mccanns were off a council estate and had left their kids in the house whilst they went to the pub - how long do you reckon until their kids were taken into care? makes me sick. I wish Kerry and the family all the best and shame on those who failed to help her, for the last 20 YEARS.


what a stupid statement

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How can any of the people posting here even begin to criticise any of the parents in this?? Just attempt to imagine what it could be like to have your child taken away from you and not know where they are.


Both families are going through hell and if the McCanns think that by going for a high profile it might bring Maddie back, then let them go for it.


For those who are criticising, have you NEVER taken any risks with your children?? l think every parent has a 'there by the grace of God moment'. I remember my little girl running out into the road once when she twisted her hand out of mine. Thankfully there were no cars coming, but it could have been so different.


I just can't believe that people are saying that the McCanns should have their other children taken away. It's so awful. Haven't they been through enough???


Get a grip people. Both of these families are struggling to make sense of something that doesn't make sense. A little more support perhaps?

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If there was a world wide data base or european wide data base with everyones dental records he would also have been found.


I doubt it, the tooth fairies will have took all their baby teeth by now and they will be sporting a new set of chompers.

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It was a good programme, particularly the way they highlighted the lack of help Kerry has had in recent years.


Parts of it were extremely difficult to watch, particularly Kerry's distress when she was faced with a man who was potentially Ben and being DNA tested. She was upset to the point of losing control. Comparing that to the McCanns....particularly the accounts from the Portuguese police of Kate being irritated by having to return to the police station to view CCTV of a potential sighting of Madeleine and demanding the car slow down...it just feels like there is something not quite right with them when you compare it to Kerry.


I agree. Something not right with the McCanns.

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