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No, I think what's being said is "make sure that what you say complies with the Forum terms and Conditions."


Erm, nope, she definitely says:


Should this thread be left alone


Better close the thread then, eh? :roll:

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Erm, nope, she definitely says:




Better close the thread then, eh? :roll:


Well why not, any thread on anything interesting gets shut.


But it's not sub-judice, it's not prejudicing anything, it's just discussing a current event.


I know it would be good for Kerry to find out what happened but in some ways how awful would it be if she's spent all this time searching and he was yards away. Horrible horrible situation, whatever happens will be awful for the family, they must be in so much pain.

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There must have been new information for them to spend this amount of money and manpower.

Or they've been under pressure politically and gone over the old evidence.

Who knows?

The news reports states they will be 1 week to 10 days. Not long enough to do a wide search, it must be a pretty smallish area.

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Incredible that the property next door wasn't thorughly searched at the time.

Apparently loads of rubble were being delivered for hard core.

He may have been stood behind a lorry tipping it's load and been buried without anyone seeing him.

In one sense, let's hope they don't find anything.

Interesting that South Yorks police have gone out there to do the search.

Shows they don't have much confidence in the Greeks!

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If this subject is in the national news then it should be discussed here.


I see no problem with any genuine information about new evidence in the Ben Needham case being discussed.


However we get numerous reports when serious and specific threads like this one are sent way off topic by irrelevent comments, personal arguments and bickering. This thread is about Ben Needham, and issues concerning his case. It is not about other missing persons.


The answer is in the hands of everyone who decides to post.

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