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Why have you signed it? Any investigation would be highly unlikely to be fruitful and thus would be a waste of money. Moreover, if Ben is alive do you really think he would want his world turned upside down with the truth?

From having first hand experience I can tell you that Ben would want to know the truth as to his roots.

It will be traumatic but it will enrich his life immeasurably .

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I think ALL missing children should be investigated, not just the ones who for whatever reason happen to catch the attention of the media. However there has to be a cut-off point beyond which any further investigation is extremely unlikely to lead to anything productive, and I believe this point has probably been reached for both Ben and Maddy, however hard this may be to accept.


The point is never reached when its personal....

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Why have you signed it? Any investigation would be highly unlikely to be fruitful and thus would be a waste of money. Moreover, if Ben is alive do you really think he would want his world turned upside down with the truth?


Have you any idea what is Mum is going through? Have you had a child go missing and not know whether he is dead or alive, never having closure?

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I think ALL missing children should be investigated, not just the ones who for whatever reason happen to catch the attention of the media. However there has to be a cut-off point beyond which any further investigation is extremely unlikely to lead to anything productive, and I believe this point has probably been reached for both Ben and Maddy, however hard this may be to accept.


I think you're spot on with your post. I believe there is more chance of finding Maddy, if she is still alive .The world has changed allot since Ben went missing and the McCann’s have that advantage ,also they are more media savvy. Of course as a parent you cling on to hope that they will be found, and we can’t deny them that.

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It's been 20 years now. If Ben is still alive, he's probably settled in the life of whoever he has become. Finding out that he was snatched from his mother at a young age would just cause major upheaval and trauma to him. I really don't see the point. I can understand why his mother isn't giving up though, I guess I would do the same in her situation. Did she ever have any other children?

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It's been 20 years now. If Ben is still alive, he's probably settled in the life of whoever he has become. Finding out that he was snatched from his mother at a young age would just cause major upheaval and trauma to him. I really don't see the point. I can understand why his mother isn't giving up though, I guess I would do the same in her situation. Did she ever have any other children?


I think she had a daughter, who is a few years younger than Ben.

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It's been 20 years now. If Ben is still alive, he's probably settled in the life of whoever he has become. Finding out that he was snatched from his mother at a young age would just cause major upheaval and trauma to him. I really don't see the point.


That's not really the point though, is it? If he's alive he will have been brought up by people who snatched him or paid to have him snatched. I think he'd be entitled to know what his "parents" are like and might want to get to know his real parents. Of course it would be traumatic but otherwise you'd be covering up crime just to save the victim some trauma. He may have no idea he's been such a victim of crime but society has a duty to tell him, convict the kidnappers and let his mother get to know him and vice-versa.

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No, and I hope I never will. However, she isn't the only person involved.


You're right but he's still her son and she will want to try every possible avenue as you would if your child disappeared without trace no matter how long a time lapse - many children who were adopted eventually want to find their birth parents so why wouldn't Ben if he found out he had been stolen?

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