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You're right but he's still her son and she will want to try every possible avenue as you would if your child disappeared without trace no matter how long a time lapse - many children who were adopted eventually want to find their birth parents so why wouldn't Ben if he found out he had been stolen?



And that,unfortunately,is her best chance.If he trys to find her.

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I sign and share every petition or Facebook post about Ben Needham, just to keep it in the public eye. I've read Kerry Needham's book and would recommend it to change some of the slightly negative attitudes on here. The case was never investigated when it first happened - no-one went looking for him or did anything to help, it was an awful situation they were left in. There's nothing to say that a proper investigation now might bring up more information. The Needhams think they got very close to finding him many years ago but could not pursue it themselves (need to double check the details in the book as I forget why). Give them a break, it's only a petition, no-one's asking you to donate money (though that is what they survive on in their search for him) and as a mother myself I can't imagine what poor Kerry has been through, though the book comes close to sharing that feeling. Plus they are Sheffielders so should at least be able to count on local support. Thanks for posting Woodmally.

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  • 4 months later...
It would be great if its him. Ive got my fingers crossed for a good result.

thing is, if it is, how weird would that be?

a young man, seeing his original family for the first time, never remembering them

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thing is, if it is, how weird would that be?

a young man, seeing his original family for the first time, never remembering them


On a scale on 1 to 10 i think we are talking and 11 for weirdness. Having said that if i were him i think id still want to be sure then try and deal with the flak later.

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