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I would not usually post in the defence of the SYP after what we have read in the press about them, BUT surely if these coppers are away from home, after completing a days work they are allowed some relaxation. A meal and a glass of wine and a couple of pints does not make them raging alcoholics and incapable of work the next day.


Who paid for this "entertainment" may be a legitimate question, but surely when away from home, expenses are paid to them.


I think this is a none story, stirred up just to criticise the SYP. Nowt like kicking a man when he is down.



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Who paid for this "entertainment" may be a legitimate question, but surely when away from home, expenses are paid to them.


There'll be a budget or set amount to feed and water all the people while they're over there.

Whether they spend it on a pint of lager or a bottle of Evian isn't usually an issue.


From the sounds of it they're being fairly frugal with costs, 67 Euro for dinner and a few drinks??? Thats pretty damn good!

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Wow a whole £54 in booze between 9 people while having a meal, in which they were sat at the restaurant for quite a while.


They then watched a football match.


If this is a news story then just end the news now.



I believe that Kerry has stood up for the police and asked if the officer can return to Kos, as this is putting the investigation in jeopardy.

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I'm going to follow a couple of police officers around tonight after they finish work and take photos of them if they go to any pubs then sell them to the Scum..... same difference.

If it's their own downtime and money fair enough, if they are claiming it on expenses then questions need to be asked.

But why do it now, all it does is put a dark cloud over the search for Ben, but then again when have any newspapers with stories such as this ever considered the people involved ?

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