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NoW whistle-blower Sean Hoare found dead

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WTF do they take us for?


People with overactive imaginations going by that.


The guy had a history of drink and drug abuse serious enough for him to have been in rehab in the past. That is the most likely cause of his death and will be why they don't think it was suspicious at this stage.


The cause of death is "unexplained" because they won't know for sure until they've done a post mortem.


Wait to see what the post mortem reveals and, depending on the results of that, whether they decide to investigate further.

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From the current New York Times website

Sean Hoare, a former News of the World journalist who claimed that Andy Coulson, the tabloid’s former editor, knew about and encouraged phone hacking, was found dead on Monday


New York Times : July 11th 2011

A former show-business reporter for The News of the World, Sean Hoare, who was fired in 2005, said that when he worked there, pinging cost the paper nearly $500 on each occasion. He first found out how the practice worked, he said, when he was scrambling to find someone and was told that one of the news desk editors, Greg Miskiw, could help. Mr. Miskiw asked for the person’s cellphone number, and returned later with information showing the person’s precise location in Scotland, Mr. Hoare said. Mr. Miskiw, who faces questioning by police on a separate matter, did not return calls for comment.

A former Scotland Yard officer said the individual who provided the information could have been one of a small group entitled to authorize pinging requests, or a lower-level officer who duped his superiors into thinking that the request was related to a criminal case. Mr. Hoare said the fact that it was a police officer was clear from his exchange with Mr. Miskiw.

“I thought it was remarkable and asked him how he did it, and he said, ‘It’s the Old Bill, isn’t it?’ ” he recalled, noting that the term is common slang in Britain for the police. “At that point, you don’t ask questions,” he said.

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I'm trying to work out how they came to the conclusion that this isn't suspicious, the hypothetical dialogue:-


Policeman: So we have the body of Sean Hoare, formerly of News of the World and The Sun, who worked under Coulson; who has been singing like a canary and exposing corruption, hacking and alsorts of other underhanded behaviour going right into the heart of the police force, government and threatening to expose some of the countries most influential people for the dirtbags they are.


So what's the cause of death, Doc?


Doctor: Dunno Gov, can't explain it?


Policeman: Oh well, what shame; I can't imagine why anything suspicious might have occurred. Obviously no reason to believe a crime has taken place here.


WTF do they take us for?


For one the "Doctor" would be a pathologist. A post mortem would have to be carried out. A pathologist would not be able to give a reason for cause of death on site, unless the victim had an axe in his head, his chest cavity opened and his heart ripped out and missing, even then that evidence isn't conclusive evidence of means of death.

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People with overactive imaginations going by that.


The guy had a history of drink and drug abuse serious enough for him to have been in rehab in the past. That is the most likely cause of his death and will be why they don't think it was suspicious at this stage.


The cause of death is "unexplained" because they won't know for sure until they've done a post mortem.


Wait to see what the post mortem reveals and, depending on the results of that, whether they decide to investigate further.


That would strike me as being a bit too convenient, lets face it people have died for a lot less in the past.


I don't believe I have an overactive imagination at all - this should be treated as suspicious even if drink and drugs are involved that doesn't prove anything one way or the other.

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For one the "Doctor" would be a pathologist. A post mortem would have to be carried out. A pathologist would not be able to give a reason for cause of death on site, unless the victim had an axe in his head, his chest cavity opened and his heart ripped out and missing, even then that evidence isn't conclusive evidence of means of death.


Pathologists are doctors (pedantic)


The whole point of my post was that this news story suggests that there is nothing at all to suggest anything suspicious, the circumstances would suggest otherwise in my opinion.

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Or even the Mafia, triads, CIA, Mi5, Mossad, NKVD etc.



NI are in deep plop, it would surprise me that they'd go this far considering they can't keep phone hacking quiet.


It might be easier to keep an assassination quieter than phone hacking. Unless someone can come up with footage of Rupert Murdoch pressing a button on his intercom and growling "Keel Heem!" or pictures of Paul Stephenson shinning up his drainpipe with a stiletto clamped between his teeth.

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Pathologists are doctors (pedantic)


The whole point of my post was that this news story suggests that there is nothing at all to suggest anything suspicious, the circumstances would suggest otherwise in my opinion.


The only circumstances that you know of is that an ex reporter is dead. There are other circumstances which equally seem to have escaped you and that is he has a history of alcohol and drug abuse. Maybe the crime scene suggested in favour of this? Maybe you've taken their statement as literal, some may not. As we all know statements may not be the best indicator. Just because the term "not treated as suspicious" is used, doesn't mean an investigation would cease.


The police would have to start with the scene of crime not some fluffy connection down the line, that would come later after cause of death. Surely.


Establish cause of death and not follow the logic of the Redrags or CT's.

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