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Chaucer school leaving yeat 1976


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Hiya everyone was wondering if anyone could help my dad is wanting to find old school friends so i told him id try this site as he is unsure how to use it. His name is dean fairclough he is 51 years old and he went to chaucer school (wordsworth avenue) he left in 1976 if anyone knows him then please get bk to me or him via email on faircloughdean@yahoo.co.uk thanks it will be very much appreciated.

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Will check with my brother as he is same age and went to Chaucer. His name is Alan Rawson.


I was in the same class as these 2,Mr Harringtons class,pre fab outside the main building. Chris Spires,Andrew Barton,Al Rawson,Steve Oakes,Steve Joyce,Craig Smith,David Ford,Daz Dawson,Nev hutchinson,Neil Crapper,Melvin Booker,Roy Dero,Tony Bellamy,Alan Hall,Dave Piotrowski. Al was nicknamed Nosher,Dean,s was Len.

I still see Al Hall and Mel Booker at Steve Oakes house now and again.

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Ive heatd a few of those names mentioned byy dad before. Ill chek wiv him on the others wen u mentiond deans nickname was len did u mean my dad dean fairclough


If Dean is your dad,then yes,he was nicknamed LEN...

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A kid called Andrew Barton used to bully your dad,so some of the lads in the class pasted him for it,Abdul and Tom pasted him unmercifully,ask your Dad if he remembers Barton breaking Julie Flowers nose in class......the lads pasted him for that too.....he never seemed to learn,tell your dad SPIKE says hi,he will know who it is.

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He sed hi n he remembers them names he sed can u remember mr wragg (headmaster peg leg) also mr flapping his face comment was check n bang his hand. Nev hutchinsons nickname was chew. Wb

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