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Anyone else getting tired of the 'Hacking Scandal' coverage?

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Murdoch's statement that he wanted read at the start of proceedings:

"Mr Chairman. Select Committee members: With your permission, I would like to read a short statement.


"My son and I have come here with great respect for all of you, for Parliament and for the people of Britain whom you represent.


"This is the most humble day of my career. After all that has happened, I know we need to be here today.


"Before going further, James and I would like to say how sorry we are for what has happened - especially with regard to listening to the voicemail of victims of crime.


"My company has 52,000 employees. I have led it for 57 years and I have made my share of mistakes.


"I have lived in many countries, employed thousands of honest and hard-working journalists, owned nearly 200 newspapers and followed countless stories about people and families around the world.


"At no time do I remember being as sickened as when I heard what the Dowler family had to endure - nor do I recall being as angry as when I was told that the News of the World could have compounded their distress.


"I want to thank the Dowlers for graciously giving me the opportunity to apologise in person.


"I would like all the victims of phone hacking to know how completely and deeply sorry I am. Apologising cannot take back what has happened.


"Still, I want them to know the depth of my regret for the horrible invasions into their lives.


"I fully understand their ire. And I intend to work tirelessly to merit their forgiveness.


"I understand our responsibility to co-operate with today's session as well as with future inquiries. We will respond to your questions to the best of our ability and follow up if we are not capable of answering anything today."

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So who (in particular) are you referring to as close friend's of Ed Millipede?


Gordon and Sarah Brown went to Rebekah Brooks' wedding. Sarah Brown also invited her to Chequers for a sleepover.




While no one is questioning the fact that Cameron has a huge problem with his decision to appoint Andy Coulsen it is plain for all to see that New Labour were just as keen to cosy up to News International when they felt it would suit them.


The idea of Labour leaders questioning David Cameron's judgement in hiring Andy Coulsen are also questionable when you consider that they oversaw the resignation and or dismissal of Peter Mandelsen on no less than three occasions.


Both of the main parties appear to be up to their neck in this and seem more intent on slinging mud at each other than actually being honest and admitting that they needed News International to give them their backing.

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