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Anyone else getting tired of the 'Hacking Scandal' coverage?

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Gordon and Sarah Brown went to Rebekah Brooks' wedding. Sarah Brown also invited her to Chequers for a sleepover.




While no one is questioning the fact that Cameron has a huge problem with his decision to appoint Andy Coulsen it is plain for all to see that New Labour were just as keen to cosy up to News International when they felt it would suit them.


Slight difference is that Cameron has met 26 times with NI executives in the last year - that's an average of once every two weeks. That's a totally different scale.

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Slight difference is that Cameron has met 26 times with NI executives in the last year - that's an average of once every two weeks. That's a totally different scale.


Anyone know how many time Messrs Brown and Blair met with NI execs when they were Prime Ministers?


I'm not trying to excuse the stupidity of the current administration to be continuing to have anything to do with NI but without the other half of the argument accusing one side of being more involved just smacks of playground politics.

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On the BBC website's discussion of this, one poster makes the valid point that

all of the hacking happened while Labour was both in power and allied to News Corp.


Perhaps more importantly Rebekah Brooks announced to an enquiry at the time that the NOTW paid police officers, and yet no one in government sought to do anything about it. WHY?

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Gordon and Sarah Brown went to Rebekah Brooks' wedding. Sarah Brown also invited her to Chequers for a sleepover.


I didn't know:|


Just shows I'm right to treat them all with the contempt they deserve.


I find it funny that some one "pieing" Murdoch is an act considered "a contempt of parliament".

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when you consider that they oversaw the resignation and or dismissal of Peter Mandelsen on no less than three occasions.


Meddleson's crimes pale to insignificance when compared to coulson's though:|

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She is rather :)


You sure about that. From the Wikipedia page on her:


"At the age of fourteen she had joined the Conservative Party, after being inspired by then-Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher,"

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Meddleson's crimes pale to insignificance when compared to coulson's though:|


You need to be careful here as Coulson hasn't been charged with anything let alone been found guilty. Let's not forget that a Commons Culture, Media and Sports Committee was set up in July 2009 to look into phone hacking allegations. They reported in Feb 2010 that they found "no evidence that Mr Coulson had either approved of phone hacking by his reporters or was aware that phones were being hacked".

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You sure about that. From the Wikipedia page on her:


"At the age of fourteen she had joined the Conservative Party, after being inspired by then-Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher,"


Even worse she then went over to Labour because she was a fan of Blair before going back to Tories. She's also pro foxhunting and write Mills and Boon style romances.


Still cute though :D

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