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Rupert Murdoch's a good bloke leave him alone..

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Ill bet if you find the person who stands to gain the most from this you will find the instigator.

The whole thing is a farce to feed to the sheep with a goal.If Murdock doesnt get the BskyB deal someone else will.


What "instigator"?


Do you mean the News of The World who hacked into people's phones or do you mean the people who tirelessly tried to uncover the scandal in the face of police indifference, bribes from News International and mockery from the Lord Mayor of London?


Crimes were committed. There should have been a proper investigation.

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Likening Rupert Murdoch to Adolf Hitler, do you expect anybody to take you seriously now?

E-clips wasn't likening Murdoch to Hitler - merely drawing attention to how ridiculous it is to laud people for the good things they do whilst ignoring the bad things they do.

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The Murdochs are passing the blame onto their lawyers and Rebekah Brooks who will pass it on to individual journalists who will pass it on to to the private investigators.

Good, because it was those selfsame private investigators who alone committed potentially criminal actions.

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Good, because it was those selfsame private investigators who alone committed potentially criminal actions.


What about the people who knowingly employed them to commit those acts?

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It was interesting to see MP's turning on him. Not too long ago he was their big mate. Its also interesting that RM said the politician he was closest to was Gordon Brown. There's been a deafening silence from Labour supporters about this.


I can't really understand all the fuss about the BskyB take over. Its not some sort of Dr Evil plan to take over the world. Its a successful business man wanting to buy a successful company to make money for himself and shareholders. As far as I can remember this is what business is all about, making money?


On the whole RM has been good for the country. He's provided thousands of jobs. His Sky TV service is very good. His company puts millions into British sport enabling teams and individuals to compete at the highest level.


Of course there have been serious errors at the company by the Murdochs aren't responsible for this. The whole thing has become a big stick by which the left can beat RM.


At a time when the country's in dire financial trouble we need people like him to supply the jobs and create wealth. Although, as usual it appears that success is seen as some sort of capitalist master plan to beat the downtrodden workers into sub-mission...

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