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Rupert Murdoch's a good bloke leave him alone..

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It was interesting to see MP's turning on him. Not too long ago he was their big mate. Its also interesting that RM said the politician he was closest to was Gordon Brown. There's been a deafening silence from Labour supporters about this.


I can't really understand all the fuss about the BskyB take over. Its not some sort of Dr Evil plan to take over the world. Its a successful business man wanting to buy a successful company to make money for himself and shareholders. As far as I can remember this is what business is all about, making money?


On the whole RM has been good for the country. He's provided thousands of jobs. His Sky TV service is very good. His company puts millions into British sport enabling teams and individuals to compete at the highest level.


Of course there have been serious errors at the company by the Murdochs aren't responsible for this. The whole thing has become a big stick by which the left can beat RM.


At a time when the country's in dire financial trouble we need people like him to supply the jobs and create wealth. Although, as usual it appears that success is seen as some sort of capitalist master plan to beat the downtrodden workers into sub-mission...


Sniff! Brought a tear to my eye did that.


You mean the down trodden workers at NotW? The dowler family etc?

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Although, as usual it appears that success is seen as some sort of capitalist master plan to beat the downtrodden workers into sub-mission...


You really think people are jealous of Murdoch's financial success and not angry at his organisation intercepting the voice mails of a missing teenager, the voice mails of relatives of dead soldiers, at them bribing police officers, etc.

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Sniff! Brought a tear to my eye did that.


You mean the down trodden workers at NotW? The dowler family etc?


Thanks for that. I have received compliments about my writing abilities in the past but I am truly flattered that you appreciate my art.


As far as I'm concerned there's no evidence to link the Murdochs to the Dowler family hacking. Why on earth would they get involved with that?


As for the NOTW it was finished all credibility gone. Its admirable though that you supported the paper and were obviously an avid reader.


I understand all employees are to be offered jobs within the company. Businesses fold, its not nice but it happens..

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Thanks for that. I have received compliments about my writing abilities in the past but I am truly flattered that you appreciate my art.


As far as I'm concerned there's no evidence to link the Murdochs to the Dowler family hacking. Why on earth would they get involved with that?


As for the NOTW it was finished all credibility gone. Its admirable though that you supported the paper and were obviously an avid reader.


I understand all employees are to be offered jobs within the company. Businesses fold, its not nice but it happens..


The point is workers are of no consequence to Murdock, their simply a means to an end. Murdock is a Billionaire, he doesn't need to even think about money on a personal level. He'd crush the likes of you or I if we got in the way of his power obsession, and there you as a worker rattling the Murdock sabre. Credit to him though, he knows how to connect with a sucker punch.

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Thanks for that. I have received compliments about my writing abilities in the past but I am truly flattered that you appreciate my art.


As far as I'm concerned there's no evidence to link the Murdochs to the Dowler family hacking. Why on earth would they get involved with that?


As for the NOTW it was finished all credibility gone. Its admirable though that you supported the paper and were obviously an avid reader.


I understand all employees are to be offered jobs within the company. Businesses fold, its not nice but it happens..



To sell papers? :roll:

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The point is workers are of no consequence to Murdock, their simply a means to an end. Murdock is a Billionaire, he doesn't need to even think about money on a personal level. He'd crush the likes of you or I if we got in the way of his power obsession, and there you as a worker rattling the Murdock sabre. Credit to him though, he knows how to connect with a sucker punch.


I don't know many business people who are in it for the good of the workers. They do it to make money. :suspect:

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I can't really understand all the fuss about the BskyB take over. Its not some sort of Dr Evil plan to take over the world. Its a successful business man wanting to buy a successful company to make money for himself and shareholders. As far as I can remember this is what business is all about, making money?




You can kiss his bum all you like. He's never going to give you a job! :hihi:

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What and risk their whole business empire, just to sell a few more copies of a quid paper? It doesn't make any sort of sense...


Like most monumental transgressions and ****-ups "it seemed a good idea at the time".


Journalists are free, in a sense, to use illegal methods and subterfuge to obtain information and invade privacy if it serves the public interest.


What has happened at the Red Tops is that the definition of 'public interest' has been stretched and distorted at all levels.


Murdoch treasures his British newspapers, even if they only represent 1% of his business, they represent a much greater percentage of his combined power and influence. He's famous for taking a close, personal interest, especially in NoTW and The Sun, and the stories they run and don't run.


There's a lot of shouty abuse of Murdoch, but there's also a great deal of fully justified antipathy for him. Tom Watson MP has gone to great lengths to elucidate why that might be the case.

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