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Murdoch custard pie man -I salute you!!

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The attack was a battery. (Not an assault, because he didn't see it coming.)


A minor attack really ... but with implications.


Parliament has the right to demand that individuals appear (and account for themselves) before it.


But Parliament can't protect those it summons from criminal attacks?


'I was summonsed by Parliament, but I didn't appear because I might be liable to be assaulted or to be battered and those arseholes (who supposedly run the country) couldn't be arsed to protect me.'


NOTW stuff ... but there is no NOTW ... who's going to report attacks on people who appear before Parliamentary committees?


Will the guy who battered Murdoch (as I said earlier, it wasn't an assault - but it was a battery) be charged?


Will Parliament be required to tell the people (each and all of whom can be summonsed and each and all of whom must comply with the terms of that summons) how they are going to protect people?


Murdoch scored more points with that pie than the whole of Newscorp could ever lose.


Called to appear before Parliament. Appeared and was battered.


Parliament couldn't (be bothered to) protect him.


Remind me again: What crime had he been convicted of?


Not a problem. Battering an 80-year old man is quite normal in the UK. It's perfectly acceptable if it is done in the Palace of Westminster.


What a load of <REMOVED>

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I don't read the Sun or NOTW,but I do have,and enjoy Sky.Murdoch is a hard headed businessman who has successfully targeted his public and they get what they deserve.I bet the custard pie thrower is a Sun reader ,and ranks about the same as the mobs who line up outside courts to jeer criminals.Stupid mob mentality.

I don't agree with what some of the reporters have got up to,certainly not the Millie Dowler business,but do I really care about trivial celebrities and their gossip.No.

If the hackers had uncovered some double dealing politicians or real nefarious activities there would be few complaints.

I have no problem with investigative journalism using whatever means to uncover important issues in the public interest.Hacking is no different to eavesdropping,spy cameras,line tapping etc.

Murdoch might have more power and influence than many would like but without his ilk,there wouldn't be the papers to read.you don't have to buy them ,or believe everything they say.

Finally ,I have worked for a large multinational,and know that the main board could not know ,or profess to know what all their employees were up to all of the time.Their are levels of managerial responsibility and control and the buck usually stops well before the top.

Some of the questions asked of RM today were certAinly related to a much lower level than he could be expected to have a hands on control.

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How come Johnny Marbles was arrested for throwing a harmless object and missing but Murdoch's wife wasn't arrested for committing assault?


Get real, Who is to say what was could have been in the pie, Bleech, oven cleaner mouse. If someone attacked my wife like that he/she would be sucking their food through a straw. YOU PROTECT YOU OWN is that nomal? Self defence is all she was guilty of.

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How come Johnny Marbles was arrested for throwing a harmless object and missing but Murdoch's wife wasn't arrested for committing assault?


I think being whacked by an elegant Chinese lady in her haute couture and Blahnik shoes is probably something Johnny doesn't want to be reminded about ;)

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I think being whacked by an elegant Chinese lady in her haute couture and Blahnik shoes is probably something Johnny doesn't want to be reminded about ;)


While you and I normally agree..this might be his ultimate sexual fantasy, the lad might be loving it.

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Get real, Who is to say what was could have been in the pie, Bleech, oven cleaner mouse. If someone attacked my wife like that he/she would be sucking their food through a straw. YOU PROTECT YOU OWN is that nomal? Self defence is all she was guilty of.


It's a terrible shame... I mean really fortunate that it didn't contain any of those kinds of chemicals. I'll get real, I'm well aware that custard pies are the favoured weapon of the professional assassin...

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jonnie marbles, whoever you are - what a man!!! along with the indignity of his fascistic empire crumbling before his eyes, murdoch was custard pied in the mother of parliaments -


viva jonnie marbles!!


in my book trying to hit an 80 year old man with any kind of object is not clever

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