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Disabled & carers night out Sunday 28th August 7:30 The Cavendish West St


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Hi I have searched the internet for nights out for the disabled but couldn't find one, not sure if its because no ones interested or if no one can be bothered? anyway I thought I would organise one to see if there is any interest! The night is open to everyone no matter what your disability it is also for carers who fancy a night out:) I suffered a stroke 4 years ago and haven't really been out since I'm sure there must be others that are in a similar situation or maybe you just fancy meeting new people. My idea is to meet at The Cavendish around 7:30 then slowly make our way down West Street well that's my idea if you have any different ideas just pm me just remember we do require wheelchair access. So if your between 18-50 and fancy a night out either pm me or just reply to this thread.

cheers :D

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