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Would a tram made in Sheffield be better than one made in Germany?

Would a tram made in Sheffield be better than one made in Germany?  

23 members have voted

  1. 1. Would a tram made in Sheffield be better than one made in Germany?

    • Miles better!
    • A kilometer better!
    • It's be a rip off.
    • The German tram is the best option.
    • Didn't we have an airport?
    • Horse n cart all the way.
    • I do all my shopping online.
    • Who needs a tram when we have the most affordable and regular bus services!

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And we all know that it's OK for France/Germany not to keep the rules...


Well, i'd guess that if there was a tender for the building of these tram trains for the UK market and a German firm won the contract then if Germany did the same exercise the German firm would win that contract too.

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Are you sure your degree includes "international economics"? I think you are a wrong.


If a pound only buys you 1.1 euro's today when yesterday it bought you 1.6 euro's then the pound has gone DOWN in value against the euro. The pound is WEAKER than it was, despite all those troubles the euro zone is having. This is BAD for Britain.


OK? Get it?


You used these same figures to justify your flawed argument before and I'm surprised no-one pulled you on it then. You talk to people in order to spread your (or more likely someone else's) right-wing propaganda as if you know what you're talking about when in fact you don’t even have the wherewithal to check your facts on google.com


With technology what it is today, YOU have NO EXCUSE for not being as informed as everybody else. You clearly have an opinion already and then try and back up that opinion afterwards instead of READING and LEARNING in order to form your opinion. Worse still, you parade around Sheffield forum trying to convince others that you have something valuable to say




Typical right wing opinion. Spawned BY RICH PEOPLE FOR RICH PEOPLE. Make all the poor people blame each other for the economic problems that RICH PEOPLE HAVE CAUSED and RICH PEOPLE BENEFIT FROM. You're so STUPID and IGNORANT to fall for this.


All the benefit fraud in the world wouldn't come close to the trillions of pounds we just gave the banks when they blackmailed us. Our government has no problem whatsoever with handing out bailouts and welfare to the super wealthy, whilst propagating the idea that it's the poor that are causing the problems and costing us all the money. Nothing to do with say...Tax breaks or tax write offs for the wealthy. Nothing to do with making workers in Britain compete with slave labour in the third world.


People are unemployed in this country because it's cheaper to manufacture in poor countries where you have no health and safety or unions or minimum wage and the like. If nothing is done to stop it we will lose all those benefits too.




What does skin colour have to do with this? Benefits in this country are means tested. It is against the law to discriminate against you because of your race. The reason you didn't qualify is probably because you earn too much money and guess what, that means all those poor people that do qualify are WORSE OFF than you.




Do you think that an extra million people decided to become lazy or commit fraud since the start of the recessio? These people don't just "sit around" and your comments are very insensitive and offensive. They are unemployed because all our jobs are being exported to China so Big corporations can squeeze out that much more profit. Then they have the front to demand bailouts, lower taxes, and support from government to help screw us all over more, whilst simultaneously blaming us for the problems that they know they are causing.


I think you are helping this happen by spewing hateful misinformation.




Excellent post.

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None, I regret. Unlike the Manchester Metro, all of Sheffield's are German-made.


Manchester's original trams were built in Italy by AnsaldoBreda. The new trams are being built in Germany and Austria by Bombardier.


Why is it that France/Germany prefer their own manufacturers, with apparent impunity, yet the UK slavishly follows EU diktats by always opting for the cheapest even though foreign?


1) They've maintained successful manufacturing businesses, workforces and supply chains, meaning they can put out cheaper and more reliable products.

2) They don't just prefer their own manufacturers. There are numerous Alstom (French) trains running in Germany, and numerous Siemens (German) trains running in France.

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Excellent post.


Thank you. I thought so too.


Credit where credit's due, this post was actually by someone else.Originallly it had a reference in it to a well known German WWII symbol and was thus taken down. Presumably because the person who it was directed against made a complaint. When I saw it had been taken down I had to edit it and re-post it!

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