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No the no brainer believes the figures!


It is not politically correct to ticket slow drivers,yet but its coming theres alot of money to be had from it.And unlike drivers over a few mph, slow drivers are dangerous and i doubt many of them would ever pass another driving test although i expect many of them wrongly think they would.I would love to see the day they have to.

If theres money in it then the figures will be made to show what it is they want to show just the same as has been done for exceeding the limit.


...and how will these dangerously slow drivers be caught? Earlier you claimed it would be done by speed cameras which is patently ridiculous, so how will it be done? The police don't bother stopping these drivers now (except in some very obvious but rare exceptions, when speeds are ridiculously low), which is either because it is not regarded as a problem, or it isn't a problem.


Edit: If the police encounter a car doing, say, 30% over the speed limit, the driver would expect a ticket. If they encountered one doing 30% under the limit, they would not. If the police are looking to make some extra cash, then they would target each equally. They don't, so we can safely assume that the police are not interested in money. Could it be something else, such as road safety? It is, which is why the police will pull speeders in preference to those driving slowly.

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Uneccessarily slow driving causes danger on the roads. Statistically accidents are far more likely to occur during overtaking. The slower you drive, the more people are going to overtake you. It's not rocket science.


It has been mentioned several times that if people only overtake when it is completely safe, then it isn't dangerous. What about the fact that it is rarely 'completely safe' to overtake? So what you slow drivers are actually saying is that you have the god given right to dictate what speed everyone unfortunate enough to be caught behind you should go at, and if this egocentric behaviour causes an accident, that is nothing to do with you?


A more rational view is, if you don't feel safe to drive at, or near to the speed limit, when there are no obstructions on the road, this indicates some impairment on your part, and you should not actually be on the road at all.



Spot on .....


Spot on..

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You're quite right, it is not a true measure. It's physically impossible to cause an accident by driving slowly. The true measure is zero, always has been, and always will be.


That's aload of rubbish i have tried to overtake alot of Slow drivers before only to find that the pathetic morons have accelerated whilst im overtaking i don't know what some drivers problem is :roll: if they don't like being overtaken they should put there foot down it's as simple as that.

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That's aload of rubbish i have tried to overtake alot of Slow drivers before only to find that the pathetic morons have accelerated whilst im overtaking i don't know what some drivers problem is :roll: if they don't like being overtaken they should put there foot down it's as simple as that.


You're confusing two separate issues. Accelerating when someone tries to overtake is downright bad driving. Driving at less than the speed limit isn't.

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There should be a minimum speed at what people ought to be driving at. No end of times ive ended up behind some idiot driving at 40 in a 60. Invariably in an mpv or a old duffer. the speed limit should depend on the conditions, if its a clear dry day then a higher limit should be permissable. if its ******* it down the less?

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