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Israel destroys Palestinian homes then demands money for the 'privilege'

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Another war crime; another shocking and disgusting act by Israel. Let's make as many Palestinians homeless as possible and then demand payment for destroying the only thing they've got.


(and the world stays silent))




A Committee of the Israeli Knesset (Parliament) passed a first draft of a law that will require that Palestinians whose homes are destroyed by Israeli forces pay the Israeli government for the demolition costs.


In the first five months of 2011, Israeli forces demolished more Palestinian homes than in the entire year of 2010, rendering homeless 706 Palestinians, including 341 minors.


Any Palestinian whose home is destroyed by the Israeli military will have to pay thousands of dollars to cover the cost of the demolition. Already, many Palestinian homeowners, mainly in Jerusalem, have been forced to pay for the forced demolition of their homes.



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According to the EPA, over 300,000 homes are destroyed every year in the US, mostly in inner cities. Assuming that the US is about 50 times bigger than Israel, this means that the US destroys about 13 times as many homes per capita as Israel every year.


In addition, Palestinian Arabs are building illegal homes much, much faster than Israel is destroying them. 6000 illegal Arab homes were built between 2001-2005, far dwarfing the numbers demolished by Israel for not having building permits.


But advocates for Palestinian Arabs at the expense of Palestinian Jews do not have the intellectual honesty to give any information out that might weaken their cases.




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Palestinian Arabs are building illegal homes much, much faster than Israel is destroying them.


Maybe if Israel didn't destroy their homes (and then demanded payment), the Palestinians wouldn't need to build a roof over their heads (by other means) ?


Do you condemn Israel for what it's doing ?

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There are already quite an number of threads on the subject of Israel please post on one of those instead of starting new threads on the same subject.


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