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Major guilt trip about Rat killing

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We have them at the top of our garden and i don't mind them at all, they are quite funny to watch actually and quite trusting now, they'll sneak out under our legs whilst we're sat munching on barbecue food and hoover up what we drop. :hihi:


They've been there about 8 years now and non of us have died of weils disease yet.


Part of our wildlife aren't they, you wouldn't baseball bat a squirrel would you.


We have them in our garden, and a few mice, I have to be honest and say I just ignore them as well. Our cat brings the odd dead one and places it on the doormat, but other than that - no culling at Greystones.

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OMG! Lil lass told me she'd just seen a Rat follow her into our garden, so I grabbed a shovel and bopped it with everything I'd got. Looked like it had been poisoned before I did it though. Now feeling mega guilty cos it's wrong to kill a creature to take it's life? Did I do it a favour or am I a cold blooded murderer? It was a wild one, big n brown with massive yellow teeth, now residing in the bin. What would you do if you saw one?




Rest easy, I have killed thousands of the disease ridden rodents. Gun, terrier, ferret, gas, poison, stick, trap and motor cycle - used to connect exhaust pipe to a length of tube then stick it down rat holes. I have done all this so I will be on the rat revenge list well ahead of you. I don't feel guilty in any way, it's a job that just needs doing.


Very enjoyable a days "ratting". I believe a little before my time, you could claim 6d (old money) for a rats tail. Wish it was so when I was active, my ale money would have been paid for. Easily.





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I have noticed a mouse hole under my shed. I was sat there last night and saw a nose poke out. I put an alpine strawberry in front of the hole and saw it grab it and take it into its hole awwwww. I was worried they might get trapped in our huge rabbit food bag in the shed so I took it out and the little buggers have been taking the rabbit food for weeks.


I am now feeling guilty that I have moved their feast bag:hihi:


Its ok there are plenty of alpine strawberries for them until winter.

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I'm not Muslim but Pagan and the thing about killing another living creature cut's deep that's all. Lit some candles and said a preyer for it's sole, so feel better now. Got in touch with council as think the problem lays with the over grown bush's n fast food cartons nearby? This creature was suffering so don't feel too bad about it now. :)

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