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Bankers Bonuses £14bn

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Everyone knew they would just carry on as normal despite the global recession, just like everyone knew wages for the masses would be cut or at least frozen, whilst the cost of consuming increases.

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Having dealt with banks relative to obtaining finance for clients, you wouldn't believe how bad they are at ground zero. They are totally target driven and will turn a poor risk into an acceptable proposition, in order to earn their bonus. I was only involved in deals of up to £3million, but the account managers that I dealt with were circa £40K p/a guys, looking to earn a £20K bonus, believe me they made deals fit for purpose, when I was expecting declinatures.

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Why can't they just accept that some people earn more money than they do, just as there are also people who earn less?

There is a difference between accepting difference and accepting injustice. That doesn't make the feelings around banking bonuses automatically envious in their nature.

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There is a difference between accepting difference and accepting injustice. That doesn't make the feelings around banking bonuses automatically envious in their nature.


Not really. It's a fact of life that banks need to speculate with money in order to be able to pay punters interest on their savings and build our pension funds. If their investments pay off they get a bonus, if they don't they miss out and probably get fired. Just like other well paid people such as footballers or actors, playing the stock market is a rare skill that few of us have, so that's why they get rewarded so well.


If people feel so jealous about this, why don't they take a stand by closing their accounts and moving to a different bank?

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There's an old saying that the love of money is the root of all evil.

Worth considering in present times.

Another saying is that it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man through the gates of heaven.


Jesus main teaching was that The Love of Money is the Root of all Evil. I wish the churches would speak up more about the evils of capitalism rather than banging on about gays and women priests etc.

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So you think a hearing a "church representative", preach on about the words of a fictional character in a fictional book is going to make me change my opinion of this "capitalist" world.


Dont think so mate...................(just my opinion of course)

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I really dont see the problem.


If the bonus pot was around £100 per person less this year, multiply that by everyone in the banking sector and that's a lot less money than last year.


Secondly not everyone in the banking sector caused the crisis. If they have still performed in their jobs, hit their targets and worked hard why shouldn't they get their bonus.


Finally, not every bank needed a bailout. Some banks have made a perfectly good profit without touching any government money. We dont know where this sum of money represents. We dont know how much of that sum of money is going to lower grades of staff - not just two or three executives.


Its just a typical "shock" figure that the media always try and use.

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Remember, "we're all in it together".


I'm sure the lollipop lady who has just been laid off due to lack of funds wouldn't begrudge the bankers their well earned bonuses.


I wonder what they do with all that money. When someone is a multi millionnaire and wants even more surely that is a sign that they have problems. Money has become an addiction.

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