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Legally where does a car start and end?

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I've been wondering, for yellow line purposes, does a car start at its tyres or the front of its bumper?


Could you park and inch from your tyres being on the double yellows if your... front... extended another 2 feet (over the lines)?


Not really an issue with my Ka, but I'm curious.

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I always thought it was the wheels.


Iv herd that if the yellow lines are like this = instead of =| means there not legal. They have to have an end of them if you understand what i mean?


That's correct, they also have to be unbroken (ie if the road surface is so poor that the line has disintegrated somewhere along it's length then it's no longer enforceable).

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Knowing how pedantic traffic wardens seem to be nowadays I always try and make sure my car's shadow is also within the parking bay and not encroaching on the double yellows.


:hihi: Do you only use parking bays on overcast days? Some cars and 4x4s seem to be too long for today's standard parking bays (which seem to be getting smaller and smaller) anyway, so I guess there must be some flexibility.

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