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Sheffield what a great place

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I was born and bred in Sheffield, leaving in 1975 just before my 20th birthday.I have nothing but happy memories of the place,but as for living there now,pretty sure it's not for me,I moved across the pennines to a small market town and am still there.I think Sheffield like everywhere else in the country,including the town I live in has gone downhill.I suppose a lot of it,especially in a city as big as Sheffield,depends on the area in which you live.I grew up in lodge moor and loved every single minute of it.When I got a little older I wandered many areas of Sheffield day and night,according to the friends that still live there,It would'nt be wise to do it now!!A great shame in my opinion as I think Sheffield has some fantastic areas/buildings etc.Unfortunately nothing stays the same!!But all the same,I'm glad I live where I do now.I'm a great believer in freedom of movement/choice/speech etc and it's wrong for anywhere to have 'no go' areas,my old friends tell me there are certain areas in Sheffield that you just dont go to even in daylight,it was'nt like that when I was there or am I wearing the proverbial rose tinted wotsit's!!!!

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No I don't think you are wearing rose tinted glasses. I was brought up in Attercliffe, went to Ellesmere Road School in Pitsmoor, then Owler Lane, throughout my young life I often went to the 'pictures' in Attercliffe, Darnall and Pitsmoor and had friends in all of these areas in fact I married a boy from Darnall. In my teens I lived for a while at Firvale. I never ever felt anything but safe and was happy to have the freedom to go wherever I wanted, well I once went to the El Mambo and felt completely out of my depth :shocked:

The last time I travelled up Staniforth Road my friends car was stoned by a gang of youths, it makes me so angry and very sad that I am made to feel threatened and unwelcome in the areas of Sheffield that hold such happy memories of my family and friends.

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West Street at around 4:00 pm yesterday was very interesting. Folk laid around totally chemixed, others falling all over the place, there was also a strong smell of cannabis in the air. Sheffield at it's best as two Blunkett bobbies attempted to sort the carnage out. :o

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Every time I go back I see areas and buildings torn down that should have been preserved or at least replaced more tastefully. The city centre is one of the poorest I've seen around and it used to be a thriving hub of activity. Yes, there are the memories, but it's not the place it used to be and it has every sign of a city in decay. I hate to say these things because I'm a born and bred Sheffielder and I still have an attachment to the place, but somewhere along the way, the city planners lost their way. So, and sadly so, I have the opposite experience to the OP.

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Back in the 60's, great Friday night pub crawl along West St, back along Devonshire St, then finish at the City Hall dance until around midnight, then walked home up Burngreave Rd to the Shirecliffe, never any problems.

Later I started going to the Cannon Hall at Firvale, and after taking my girlfiend home to Grimesthorpe, I walked home either through Pagehall or Firvale in the early hours of the morning, again, never any problems, but my old mates tell me you can't do this nowadays.

Apart from the weather [the reason I left the place] Sheffield was a great place to live, plenty of good paying jobs in the steel industry, and close to some of the best countryside in the UK, but things have certainly changed since I left.

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In the early 70s,me and my old mate Jed would catch the 51 to town,friday and saturday nights,then a night of revalry in the albert,minerva,wapentake finishing off in the penthouse until kicking out time,we would then walk back to lodge moor,laughing and carrying on like drunken 18 year olds.I only recall one dodgy incident,passing jessops hospital we were subjected to a torrent of verbal abuse from a group of skinheads.ie-"Hairies" "stinkin hippies" all of which was laughed at,no-one threw bricks at us,nor did anyone try to stab us or beat us to within an inch of our lives,just the verbal abuse.I left in 75 but Jed still lives there and carried on doing the same thing until around five years ago he was violently mugged around 11.30 pm enroute to broomhill just before the entrance to weston park,they threatened him with a half brick and stole his wallet and watch,no-one offered to come to his assistance.Sheffield and indeed the country as a whole is a poorer place in my opinion.

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