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Sheffield what a great place

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The Sheffield of yesterday has gone and will never return,the place is now a dump,the shops are poor even Cole Bros is going down the nick selling poorer quality stuff to the flat dwellers,OOOOh yes the city has thousands of these and they are building more,are these the slums of the future?As Skippy says Sheffield used to be a great safe place now its really unsafe for us oldies after dark,no more pub crawls up West street I'm afraid unless you are built like Swarzenegger,or Bruce Willis and Steven Segal.The shops of old are gone only to be replaced with tat shops,sorry kids but us fogies have sen the best days of our once great city which was full of people who were proud to say they came from Sheffield THE city of Steel and industry,not anymore I'm afraid.

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Seems I started a rite old debate !


Opinions are bound to differ according to age,there will be members who are considerably younger than some and therefore cant make the then-now comparison.I can only speak from my own personal memories and the things that my old friends tell me.There will be people in the 70+ age group who will think that things were better in their day rather than in mine 50+.I feel that the country as a whole has gone downhill and generally, respect for others is now a thing of the past,everyone has their own ideas on the cause,personally I blame liberal parenting.

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The Sheffield of yesterday has gone and will never return,the place is now a dump,the shops are poor even Cole Bros is going down the nick selling poorer quality stuff to the flat dwellers,OOOOh yes the city has thousands of these and they are building more,are these the slums of the future?As Skippy says Sheffield used to be a great safe place now its really unsafe for us oldies after dark,no more pub crawls up West street I'm afraid unless you are built like Swarzenegger,or Bruce Willis and Steven Segal.The shops of old are gone only to be replaced with tat shops,sorry kids but us fogies have sen the best days of our once great city which was full of people who were proud to say they came from Sheffield THE city of Steel and industry,not anymore I'm afraid.


Well that about sums up my feelings, I'm fine in the South West districts and spend a lot of time in the Peak Park. As for the city centre and the rest of Sheffield, those that like it are welcome to it.

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Opinions are bound to differ according to age,there will be members who are considerably younger than some and therefore cant make the then-now comparison.I can only speak from my own personal memories and the things that my old friends tell me.There will be people in the 70+ age group who will think that things were better in their day rather than in mine 50+.I feel that the country as a whole has gone downhill and generally, respect for others is now a thing of the past,everyone has their own ideas on the cause,personally I blame liberal parenting.


It's the same all over. Blame left wing politics and the war on the rich. Cradle to grave welfare is guaranteed to lock in the votes for folks who like to give away other peoples hard earned money, so it's self perpetuating. But it's also highly destructive to society, because anything given away free is never valued. There's no pride in ownership. Public housing is vandalised, as is public transport.


Like rats in a maze, or animals in a zoo, they become de-socialised and frustrated, yet totally reliant on the zookeeper and feeding time.


We grew up poor, but we had pride, ethics and respect for others. Neighborhood crime was not tolerated, and good honest work was highly esteemed, as was literacy. Now, the "smart" ones are the ones that don't seem to work and can beat the system.


Some will thrive, but too many are doomed to a life of ignorance and illiteracy. It's a sad thing to see.

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It's the same all over. Blame left wing politics and the war on the rich. Cradle to grave welfare is guaranteed to lock in the votes for folks who like to give away other peoples hard earned money, so it's self perpetuating. But it's also highly destructive to society, because anything given away free is never valued. There's no pride in ownership. Public housing is vandalised, as is public transport.


Like rats in a maze, or animals in a zoo, they become de-socialised and frustrated, yet totally reliant on the zookeeper and feeding time.


We grew up poor, but we had pride, ethics and respect for others. Neighborhood crime was not tolerated, and good honest work was highly esteemed, as was literacy. Now, the "smart" ones are the ones that don't seem to work and can beat the system.


Some will thrive, but too many are doomed to a life of ignorance and illiteracy. It's a sad thing to see.


Agree 100%

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I was born and bred in Sheffield, leaving in 1975 just before my 20th birthday.I have nothing but happy memories of the place,but as for living there now,pretty sure it's not for me,I moved across the pennines to a small market town and am still there.I think Sheffield like everywhere else in the country,including the town I live in has gone downhill.I suppose a lot of it,especially in a city as big as Sheffield,depends on the area in which you live.I grew up in lodge moor and loved every single minute of it.When I got a little older I wandered many areas of Sheffield day and night,according to the friends that still live there,It would'nt be wise to do it now!!A great shame in my opinion as I think Sheffield has some fantastic areas/buildings etc.Unfortunately nothing stays the same!!But all the same,I'm glad I live where I do now.I'm a great believer in freedom of movement/choice/speech etc and it's wrong for anywhere to have 'no go' areas,my old friends tell me there are certain areas in Sheffield that you just dont go to even in daylight,it was'nt like that when I was there or am I wearing the proverbial rose tinted wotsit's!!!!


Spot on; I first noticed it going downhill in, about, 1984, it has just accelerated. There are areas, like Acocks Green in Birmingham that remind me of old Sheffield, but they have never gone downhill. Although it might seem rather obtuse, it seems that the demolition of old solid houses, for no apparent reason, and the replacement of them with sterile buildings is a contributory factor.

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I had loads of pub crawls round dozens of areas of Sheffield in the 60's and never had a hint of any kind of problem. I accept that now, there are several 'no go' areas. The nearest city to me now is Chester and, as with Sheffield, it was a safe place for a long night out in the 60's. Today its a lovely city in the daytime, but at night, beggars/druggies come out of the woodwork and there are areas where you just daren't go - especially on your own. Its a shame and I suspect it is the same in nearly all cities and towns.

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I don't claim to know what the answer is to all this Yobbo behaviour but i suspect it's idle hands. For that I blame Thatcher for her crazy ideas which culminated in the dog eat dog society we have today. Bankers gambling with customers money and when it went bottom up the government bailed them out with taxpayers money. It's not socialism which is the problem it is the lack of good paying jobs brought about private enerprise shipping jobs overseas and millions of immigrants supressing wages even further while occupying the limited supply of houses.


This has resulted in most of the UK being a vast refugee camp.

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