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Johnny Lee Clary & The KKK

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I was looking up earlier some of the old American wrestlers from the 80's and came across one called Johnny Angel who was also an infamous Grand Dragon in the KKK.


I found a video of him on youtube talking about his conversion to Christianity (not the KKK variety) and he's quite hilarious.


If nothing else it illustrates there is hope for Mankind. It would be nice if Abu Hamza, Louis Farrakhan...Streamline & Bassman could have a similar Road to Damascus experience ;)


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I was looking up earlier some of the old American wrestlers from the 80's and came across one called Johnny Angel who was also an infamous Grand Dragon in the KKK.


I found a video of him on youtube talking about his conversion to Christianity (not the KKK variety) and he's quite hilarious.


If nothing else it illustrates there is hope for Mankind. It would be nice if Abu Hamza, Louis Farrakhan...Streamline, CXC3000, mafya & Bassman could have a similar Road to Damascus experience ;)


You missed some out but im happy to fix your post for you.:hihi:

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I found a video of him on youtube talking about his conversion to Christianity (not the KKK variety) and he's quite hilarious.


If nothing else it illustrates there is hope for Mankind. It would be nice if Abu Hamza, Louis Farrakhan...Streamline & Bassman could have a similar Road to Damascus experience ;)



:hihi: I howled with laughter when he described the incident outside Wade Watts house, Lee Clary and his KKK chums went dressed in their full garb to try and provoke Mr Watts who nonchalantly came outside and said "boys Halloween's four months away, I ain't got no trick or treat in here for you, come back in October.

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:hihi: I howled with laughter when he described the incident outside Wade Watts house, Lee Clary and his KKK chums went dressed in their full garb to try and provoke Mr Watts who nonchalantly came outside and said "boys Halloween's four months away, I ain't got no trick or treat in here for you, come back in October.


I demoted Johnny Clary in the OP, he was actually the Imperial Wizard, which is the head of the KKK. His conversion is like Nick Griffin, embracing multiculturism and becoming friends with John Sentamu!


This is what Clary said of Rev Watts after his death-uplifting stuff:


"Rev. Watts was like a father to me. I am grateful for all the years I had with him, and for all the wisdom and knowledge he passed on to me. He told me that he was passing me his mantle. I do not feel worthy to take it up; however, if he thought that much of me to invest all those years of time and wisdom into me, then I owe it to the memory of him to fight racism and continue his works. Wade and I always called one another “Old Partner”. I will miss him for the rest of my life, and will never forget him."



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Yesterday I was astonished to read that some of the top nazis claimed to be inspired by the anti-semetic writings of American industrialist of automobile fame Henry Ford (he wrote a series called The International Jew).


Had to look this up after you posted scuba, it seems Henry Ford was credited with the words, but wasn't responsible for them (I guess he would say that though wouldn't he?).


I've never truly understood why some Christians and some Muslims have felt so threatened by Jews and their culture, it cannot be denied that Jews, as a race have added much more than they've taken away and been prepared to share it.


Yes they occupy positions of power and influence, but I aint been compelled to eat gefilte fish and have bits of my genitalia chopped off yet because of it.

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