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Crime set to soar under Cameron's Police cuts

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Cutting the police makes sense.


The jails are full, people are being released early, suspended sentences issued.


It makes no sense catching people who we haven't the resources to rehabilitate/punish.


We have too many police.


Ask the people on your road if they would like more police or less. I think you will find you are a minority of one.

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And just who says the crime rate will rise, the very people whose jobs are at stake so no surprise there then!


To quote parts of the HMIC publication;


"Although we found no direct relationship between the size of the cuts and planned performance the five forces with the most ambitious crime reduction targets are subject to a proportionally higher estimated budget reduction (more than 16%) than many of their peers."




"Although there is good evidence to suggest that a total lack of police presence leads to an increase in crime, a direct link between police numbers and crime is less well evidenced."




"Overall, therefore, the main message HMIC took from these findings

was that forces will need to improve their efficiency in order to ensure the

service they provide is maintained while their workforce numbers reduce."


In other words its about efficiency and its just basic scaremongering stating that crime will rise as there is no data on hand that it will.



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I thought that's what some of you people wanted. After all it was only a few weeks ago that you were all banging on about too much police presence during the recent protests..... All those comments about police sitting round in the cars doing nothing.... police wandering around shops when they should be working.... police being a law onto themselves..... etc etc etc etc


Now you wont have to worry.


Seriously though, how can you automatcially assume that police cuts will equal more crime. Nobody other than the bosses in charge know where and who the cuts will be on. Civil service has been cut everywhere but the roads have not instantly fallen apart, sanitation has not dramatically deteriorated, the transport is still running and, shock horror, even with the NHS cuts there has not been an increase in deaths and sickness.


Stop beleiving everything you read in the papers and get off your tories are bad campaign.


You people?

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What colour is the sky in your world Mrs Patching ?:loopy:


The same colour as it is in yours. I am sensible enough to realise that all political parties make cuts after getting into power again. Labour made huge cuts back in 1997 when they got elected. Twelve years later someone has to try and sort the mess out. I think there should be a coalition of all the good polititians from all parties. Hopefully they could sort this country out and we would not have any cuts.

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The same colour as it is in yours. I am sensible enough to realise that all political parties make cuts after getting into power again. Labour made huge cuts back in 1997 when they got elected. Twelve years later someone has to try and sort the mess out. I think there should be a coalition of all the good polititians from all parties. Hopefully they could sort this country out and we would not have any cuts.


:huh: Where???:confused:

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:huh: Where???:confused:


Their manifesto was based on fiscal cuts. For example the armed forces faced a crisis .In the navy ships were cut tenfold , leaving our sea and air defences laughable . The N.H.S had huge cuts doctors nurses lost their jobs while the big chiefs raked in the money . They had a splurge on public spending which led the banks into the mess this country is now in.

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Their manifesto was based on fiscal cuts. For example the armed forces faced a crisis .In the navy ships were cut tenfold , leaving our sea and air defences laughable . The N.H.S had huge cuts doctors nurses lost their jobs while the big chiefs raked in the money . They had a splurge on public spending which led the banks into the mess this country is now in.


Now I know that you are talking rubbish. The NHS improved tenfold under Labour. You are speaking to someone with almost 35 years service within the NHS. Thatcher and the Torys very nearly destroyed it in the 70's - Cameron is set to do the same in this century. I will be classed as elderly within the next 10 years and fear for any medical care that I may require from the NHS whilst this country has the likes of Cameron at the helm.

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this government and the last have a lot to answer to, its ok for them who have 24hr security. but with all these police cuts we may as well leave our doors unlocked, windows open, cars left wth keys left in the ignition, which i will do providing i have the right to bear arms and shoot any little ******* who thinks he/she can help themselfs to every thing i hold dear and have r saved for years worked hard and saved hard, while some little **** who wants everything for nownt and as to feed drug habits, and while im having a rant neither should we pay benefits, or give medical treatment to self inflicted injuries, at least 12 months national service should be made compulsury until they learn a lesson, that they cant just help themselfs to other peoples property, so until then i will lock my doors and protect my stuff while i sit and wait six hours for a bobby to turn up

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Now I know that you are talking rubbish. The NHS improved tenfold under Labour. You are speaking to someone with almost 35 years service within the NHS. Thatcher and the Torys very nearly destroyed it in the 70's - Cameron is set to do the same in this century.


I to have worked in the N.H.S all my working life and i saw the cuts. My husband was in the navy and saw the cuts , No one party will ever solve the problems of this country and everyone has their own opinions . Right or wrong things need to change and the party in power will always be blamed. There are no winners.

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