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Crime set to soar under Cameron's Police cuts

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Ask the people on your road if they would like more police or less. I think you will find you are a minority of one.


Not the case.


One of my neighbours smokes weed, and he like me resents paying council tax precept to SYP in order for the to hand out £80 fine to adults using cannabis.


Another neighbour complains about traffic cops, and how perfectly good cars are scrapped by the police and insurance companies.


Another neighbour complains how they do not even attend burglaries.


Any copper fining a taxpayer for smoking cannabis should be ashamed of themselves. They should resign and take on a factory job and do something productive with their lives.


Those coppers that ignore the nonsensical illegality of cannabis and spend their time catching real criminals should be applauded.

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Not the case.


One of my neighbours smokes weed, and he like me resents paying council tax precept to SYP in order for the to hand out £80 fine to adults using cannabis.


Another neighbour complains about traffic cops, and how perfectly good cars are scrapped by the police and insurance companies.


Another neighbour complains how they do not even attend burglaries.


Any copper fining a taxpayer for smoking cannabis should be ashamed of themselves. They should resign and take on a factory job and do something productive with their lives.


Those coppers that ignore the nonsensical illegality of cannabis and spend their time catching real criminals should be applauded.


Oh dear - where do you live ?

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Ask the people on your road if they would like more police or less. I think you will find you are a minority of one.


they would probably want to win the lottery, be a few pounds lighter, be fitter, have more holidays and work less, does this mean we should all have these things too?

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Crime is set to become even higher that what it was the last time the Tories were in office due to slashing Police numbers.


It won't effect Cameron et al however because they live in mansions behind high walls and can afford to pay for security guards.


How do these people sleep at night?




How will they slash police numbers they can't be made redundant.

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You people?


us people what??


Here were go again.... just because I disagree with you. Did you actually have a counter argument to my post or are you just going to resort to petty insults and sweeping statements like you usually do?

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But how many out-of-work coppers were forced to make a living on the streets?


If coppers aren't arresting blaggers, will they be working as blaggers?

If coppers aren't arresting prostitutes, will they be working as prostitutes?





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Tory bashing again . Don't you talk about anything else. Labour was just as bad.


Yes yes, labour was just as bad... We know, they're both as bad as each other.


We are now suffering the effects of many years of bad governance, poor regulation, incompetance, and plain self-serving corruption.

The constant see-sawing from one party to the other has sustained an illusion of democracy whilst allowing this to continue unabated.


At the last election people were at last beginning to wake up to this fact and starting to question it. The result was a hung parliament and the short lived rise of the Lib Dems, a false dawn which has only highlighted the problem.


Unless the system is radically reformed I can see no future for all but the richest few in this country. Surely it's time we were jolted out of our complacency and looked to other EU countries and their way of handling dissatisfaction and unfair laws, -people power.

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