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Crime set to soar under Cameron's Police cuts

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Not the case.


One of my neighbours smokes weed, and he like me resents paying council tax precept to SYP in order for the to hand out £80 fine to adults using cannabis.


Another neighbour complains about traffic cops, and how perfectly good cars are scrapped by the police and insurance companies.


Another neighbour complains how they do not even attend burglaries.


Any copper fining a taxpayer for smoking cannabis should be ashamed of themselves. They should resign and take on a factory job and do something productive with their lives.


Those coppers that ignore the nonsensical illegality of cannabis and spend their time catching real criminals should be applauded.



Sounds like you live in a lovely area. Perhaps the Police should pay you and your neighbours a visit.


But overall your points have nothing to do with anything and don't even make sense.


Tory supportors are a tiny minority in Sheffield. They haven't won a single seat for years. Sheffield is a prime target for Tory cuts so it is maddness to support them. Talk about Turkeys voting for Xmas.

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Surely it's time we were jolted out of our complacency and looked to other EU countries and their way of handling dissatisfaction and unfair laws, -people power.


Oh yeah. Lets take a look at how well some of those other EU countries are dealing with matters at the moment......:hihi:


Look at how well people power has worked in places like errmm Greece perhaps?

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Oh yeah. Lets take a look at how well some of those other EU countries are dealing with matters at the moment......:hihi:


Look at how well people power has worked in places like errmm Greece perhaps?


Well, let's look at Spain, shall we, where people have been protesting noisily outside the houses of people who have defaulted on their mortgage, and been in imminent danger of eviction. In nearly every case there's been a stay of execution, and offers of deals accepted.


Also, the Spanish Banks have had to accept the relinquishing of a house as full and final payment of the debt, unlike here where the banks will auction your house and sell it at an enormous loss and you will still have to pay off the negative equity, bank charges, court fees etc.


There have also been significant triumphs in Greece but of course we don't get to hear of them here via the mainstream media in case it gives the prols dangerous ideas.

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Crime is set to become even higher that what it was the last time the Tories were in office due to slashing Police numbers.


It won't effect Cameron et al however because they live in mansions behind high walls and can afford to pay for security guards.


How do these people sleep at night?




Its hardly The tories fault were skint now is it?


If Labour had been allowed to continue there unrestrained borrowing we would be in a lot worse mess than were in.

Maybe if Labour had Told the police to stop wasting money on nice Toys like unnessercary BMW's and the like then maybe a few more jobs could have been saved.A focus does the same job of a bmw or subaru its a shame the lesson has come too late and their waste was allowed to continue as long as it has.

Crime will always rise in a resession anyway.

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Think your all missing the point. What this country needs is people in employment spending and paying tax. Yes it might in the short term work out cheaper to pay public sector workers JSA, but in the long term, nobody working/paying taxes/spending can only stagnate the economy. The public sector is one of the biggest employers, and by sacking staff could further throw us into recession.

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Its hardly The tories fault were skint now is it?


If Labour had been allowed to continue there unrestrained borrowing we would be in a lot worse mess than were in.

Maybe if Labour had Told the police to stop wasting money on nice Toys like unnessercary BMW's and the like then maybe a few more jobs could have been saved.A focus does the same job of a bmw or subaru its a shame the lesson has come too late and their waste was allowed to continue as long as it has.

Crime will always rise in a resession anyway.



So you know better than the police what cars they should use?


Labour's spending was to save the banks. If they hadn't saved the banks people who use these banks would have lost all their savings.


If the Tories had been in office they would have done the same thing, because they was no other choice. Or haven't you noticed the USA and many other countries followed Gordon Brown's lead in this action.

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Mrs patching is incorrect, the Labour party did not make cuts when they got into power in 1997. They stuck to the Tory spending plans for many years as they were sensible and effective. In fact the labour party inherited an economy that was in balance and well managed.


Whilst Blair and Brown were in power they had the good fortune of being at the helm whilst the cyclical movement of the economy was at its most beneficial.


Had they managed the economy properly they would have had a "war chest" sufficient to take the country through the present difficulty. Instead, like all Labour governments they mispent this money. They raided pension schemes, allowed ,indeed encouraged, banks to act in a criminally negligent way and killed about 600,000non combatants in Iraq and Afghanistan.


All Labour governments criminally mismanage. Attlee in 1951, left the country worse off than in 1945 after the second world war! Wilson and Callaghan were equally incompetent economic managers.




Good question that needs an answer Mrs Patching .................
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Actually I dont think the Tories would have done what Brown did. They should have let the Banks go bust.


By now we would be emerging from a severe depression but, the gangsters who run the banks and thei backers the Labour party would have been exposed and removed.


The "market" works. It is wen we interfere and manipulate the market that we suffer worst.




So you know better than the police what cars they should use?


Labour's spending was to save the banks. If they hadn't saved the banks people who use these banks would have lost all their savings.


If the Tories had been in office they would have done the same thing, because they was no other choice. Or haven't you noticed the USA and many other countries followed Gordon Brown's lead in this action.

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Crime is set to become even higher than what it was the last time the Tories were in office due to slashing Police numbers.


It won't effect Cameron et al however because they live in mansions behind high walls and can afford to pay for security guards.


How do these people sleep at night?




We need more police but the police are paid to much



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