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Crime set to soar under Cameron's Police cuts

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So you know better than the police what cars they should use?


Labour's spending was to save the banks. If they hadn't saved the banks people who use these banks would have lost all their savings.


If the Tories had been in office they would have done the same thing, because they was no other choice. Or haven't you noticed the USA and many other countries followed Gordon Brown's lead in this action.


You think the USA is a good example? :hihi:


I know enough to know that you dont need £80,000-£100,000 cars to do traffic stops when a ford focus would be more than enough.Why do you need fast/quality cars when you have expensive helicopters at your disposal.Helicopters which even at their expense were used by the Labour party to catch people exceeding the speed limit.There was far too much waste of public money under Labour and its good that this is being stopped because guess what?WE CANT AFFORD IT!

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You think the USA is a good example? :hihi:


I know enough to know that you dont need £80,000-£100,000 cars to do traffic stops when a ford focus would be more than enough.Why do you need fast/quality cars when you have expensive helicopters at your disposal.Helicopters which even at their expense were used by the Labour party to catch people exceeding the speed limit.There was far too much waste of public money under Labour and its good that this is being stopped because guess what?WE CANT AFFORD IT!


You know jack.


Not every officer in traffic is driving a £80 - £100k vehicle. The ones that do are part of a specialist unit. You clearly have no idea of the types of work they are required to deal with. If you took the effort to actually find out you would realise why they need high performance vehicles.


A helicopter is good for tracking and filming but nothing else. A helicopter cannot pursue, block and capture evading vehicles. You dont just land them in the middle of the road and jump out of them you know.


In your world how about officers driving round in a smart car instead. After all its perfect for tootling round our urban environment and are just as quick as a normal road car. :loopy:

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So you know better than the police what cars they should use?


Labour's spending was to save the banks. If they hadn't saved the banks people who use these banks would have lost all their savings.


If the Tories had been in office they would have done the same thing, because they was no other choice. Or haven't you noticed the USA and many other countries followed Gordon Brown's lead in this action.


Mmmm, yep thats it. Gordon Brown, savior of the world :rolleyes:

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Crime is set to become even higher than what it was the last time the Tories were in office due to slashing Police numbers.


It won't effect Cameron et al however because they live in mansions behind high walls and can afford to pay for security guards.


How do these people sleep at night?




Will police cuts mean less Sweeney sat in vans pointing cameras at motorists to raise revenue ?


If so ,im all in favour of the cuts.

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oh dear. Got caught speeding did we.

Get over it.


I see you are the same guy who has tried to wriggle out of their bus gate fine too by doing some ludicrous transfer of vehicle ownership and rabbiting on about how to avoid the SCC bailiifs.


You got an issue with the authorities perhaps?

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