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The Queens Hotel, Scotland Street

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I used to go in the Queens Hotel in the 70s, a lot of the young lads who worked across the road at Parkins ( Silverware ) played for the snooker team. Vern was a wizard on that table but so he should have been as it was his table in his pub.:hihi:

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Thanks for your replies, have asked mods to amend OP to Queens Hotel.

Surprised that such a large and imposing building has stood empty for so long, surprised it hasn't been converted into flats!




WHAT TO LOOK UP WHEN TELLY`S CRAP. :hihi::hihi::hihi:

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Was driving along Scotland St the other day and noticed this pub, I think it's an ex-Wards house. I don't remember it being open in my life time, would be interested to hear any recollections of this old pub. Anyone know when it closed?



If you walk around the area, including Gibraltar Street, noting all the old ghost like buildings that once housed well respected Sheffield business's, now sadly long gone. You would appreciate the viability of the Victorians/Edwardians building pubs of this size. The area used to buzz with activity, hard work brought with it quite a thirst.


You had to be careful though, Scotland Street was the centre of the Mooney Gang's empire, my grandad had a cut throat razor held to his throat, until George Mooney shouted "wrong man, let him go". Infact my grandad's mate killed a bloke with one punch on Scotland Street, the guy was in the initial stages of raping a young girl, the judge/magistrate commended him and gave him an absolute discharge.

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The Queens Head, Scotland Street


Yes, I remember this Ward's House, thought it was hotel not head, just over the brow on Scotland Street. I went in with a mate of mine not long after I had returned to England in the early to mid 90's. We were on the way to his pad on't Kelvin Flats one Friday evening. Anyway, we went in forra quick pint and the boozer was full of lesbians and some of them looked reight hard. There was also some slim gorgeous effeminate ones. We behaved very cautiously. I think the pub may be closed down now.


We had just come up frumt R and B's bar (formerly Old Crown Inn) which could have stood for Rozzers and Bobbies (next to West Bar cop shop) or Rhythm and Blues. It was I think actually Ruth and Barry's bar. We had gone in there for a swift 'un and were stood at the bar with our haifs (haives) and Derek couldn't take his eyes off Ruth's bulging bristols. She noticed him gandering (I was too quick for her to catch me) and demanded to know from him in her put on posh voice what he was staring at. He said he wasn't staring at anything, then she said "What do you mean not staring at anything?" then she yanked her top up and said to him "These are something, mate!" Poor Derek was cacking himsen and I was wazzing me self, but not daring to laugh.


Ruth then looked at me (she'd seen me on other occasions) and said "if you're hungry get yourself upstairs." I looked confused (but hopeful) then she said,"we've had a party for young underpriveleged children and there's plenty left over, eat what you want." I came back downstairs a short while later with a plateful of belegte breadcakes, buns etc and offered Derek some, Ruth butt(er)ed in by saying he wasn't allowed to have anything because he'd already had his treat (boob's flash). I've never forgotten this extraordinary happening. Ruth was good fun, sober or not, bless.

Ward's Brewery seemed to have control of that area many years ago with pubs like:-


Meadow Street Hotel

Royal Oak - Hollis Croft

Redhouse - Solly Street.



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  • 2 months later...

Opened 1791 as Queens Inn rebuilt as present building in 1928 closed as a Wards house around April 1997 ending it's life as a gay bar anything goes partying open all night before law was changed so I am told, dam missed the party! now boared up and for sale and left to rot shame a nice grand building like many others in Sheffield like Market Tavern a pub that my family ran many moons ago.

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Opened 1791 as Queens Inn rebuilt as present building in 1928 closed as a Wards house around April 1997 ending it's life as a gay bar anything goes partying open all night before law was changed so I am told, dam missed the party! now boared up and for sale and left to rot shame a nice grand building like many others in Sheffield like Market Tavern a pub that my family ran many moons ago.


Hi, can you tell me if the Market Tavern when called the Old Number Twelve was turned into a Beer Cellar type bar in the late 1960s ?

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