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Norway Attacks Kill 91 People.

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BBC story here - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-14259356


At least 80 people died when a gunman opened fire at an island youth camp in Norway, hours after a bomb attack on the capital, Oslo, police say.


Police in Norway are questioning a 32- year-old Norwegian man in connection with both attacks.


The man was arrested on the tiny Utoeya island where police say he opened fire on teenagers.


Grim reading.


The gunman is reported to have been armed with a handgun, an automatic weapon and a shotgun.


"He travelled on the ferry boat from the mainland over to that little inland island posing as a police officer, saying he was there to do research in connection with the bomb blasts," NRK journalist Ole Torp told the BBC.



"He asked people to gather round and then he started shooting, so these young people fled into the bushes and woods and some even swam off the island to get to safety."


One 15-year-old eyewitness described how she saw what she thought was a police officer open fire.


"He first shot people on the island. Afterward he started shooting people in the water," youth camp delegate Elise told the Associated Press news agency.


Mr Stoltenberg had been due to visit the camp on Saturday. Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Store, who visited the camp on Thursday, praised those who were attending.


"The country has no finer youth than young people who go for a summer camp doing politics, doing discussions, doing training, doing football, and then they experience this absolutely horrendous act of violence."


It's awful.


:( Poor kids.

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OSLO terrorist attack which left around 90 innocent lives was carried out by a Right Wing terrorist and not by Muslims as many of you here on SF were stupidly saying without even knowing the facts or even waiting for an official statement by the police. This should turn the table on all the bigoted and Islamophobes on SF .You should be ashamed of yourselves and apologise for all those whom you accused and stereotype just because they are Muslims.:gag:


European governments facing possibility of new threat — 'equivalent of Oklahoma City'


A report that Norway's bomb and gun rampage may be the work of a far-right militant confronts Europe with the possibility that a new paramilitary threat is emerging, a decade after al-Qaida's Sept. 11 attacks.



One analyst called the attacks possibly Europe's "Oklahoma City" moment, a reference to American right-wing militant Timothy McVeigh who detonated a truck bomb at a federal building in Oklahoma City in 1995, killing 168 people.


Police forces in many western European countries worry about rising far-right sentiment, fueled by a toxic mix of anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant bigotry and increasing economic hardship.


But violence, while sometimes fatal, has rarely escalated beyond group thuggery and the use of knives.


That may have changed in Oslo and on the holiday island of Utoya on Friday. Seven people were killed in a bombing in the capital — Western Europe's worst since the 2005 London al-Qaida-linked suicide attacks that killed 52 people — and at least 80 in a shooting rampage by a lake.


Independent Norwegian television TV2 reported on Saturday that the Norwegian man detained after the attacks had links to right-wing extremism .



Police were searching a flat in west Oslo where he lived, TV2 said.


"If true this would be pretty significant — such a far-right attack in Europe, and certainly Scandinavia, would be unprecedented," said Hagai Segal, a security specialist at New York University in London.


"It would be the European/Scandinavian equivalent of Oklahoma City — an attack by a individual (with extremist anti-government views, linked to certain groups) aimed at the government by attacking its buildings/institutions."


"The next key question is whether he was acting alone, or whether he is part of a group."



A report by European police agency Europol on security in 2010 said that there was no right-wing terrorism on the continent in that period.


Growing professionalism

But it added the far right was becoming very professional at producing online propaganda of an anti-Semitic and xenophobic nature and was increasingly active in online social networking.


"Although the overall threat from right-wing extremism appears to be on the wane and the numbers of right-wing extremist criminal offences are relatively low, the professionalism in their propaganda and organization shows that right-wing extremist groups have the will to enlarge and spread their ideology and still pose a threat in EU member states," it said.


If the unrest in the Arab world, especially in North Africa, leads to a major influx of immigrants into Europe, "right-wing extremism and terrorism might gain a new lease of life by articulating more widespread public apprehension about immigration from Muslim countries into Europe," it added.


Public manifestations of right-wing extremism can often provoke counter-activity by extreme left-wing groups. Such confrontations invariably result in physical violence.


In May 2010, a far-right supporter was assaulted and knifed in Sweden during a demonstration staged by a white supremacist movement. An activist was arrested on suspicion of aggravated assault and attempted murder.


The Swedish Security Service says on its website that the so-called White Power scene is made up individuals, groups and networks with right-wing extremist views prepared to use violence for political gain.


In a speech in September 2010, Jonathan Evans, the Director-General of Britain's MI5 Security Service, cited a notorious far-right militant in a passage describing the security outlook for the country.



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That's horrific...


In a country with a population of less than five million that will have a deep impact on the nation.


My thoughts are with them in this dark hour.


How utterly evil, those poor people.

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It isn't just people on the SF dude. On sky news yesterday, they had a terrorist expert who said "if this was al-Qaida, we certainly have all the evidence.....but I don't want to speculate at the moment".

He HAS all the evidence, but doesn't want to speculate. Seems like he was right to not speculate then, huh?

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87 people killed and they expect the number to rise by this nutter in norway it appears from the news he planted a bomb in oslo killing 7 and wounding many more then went to an island dressed as a police man were he shot and killed 80 young people wounding many more at least the police have captured him

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