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Norway Attacks Kill 91 People.

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So in your eyes is Anders Behring Breivik a freedom fighter?


Brievik doesn't seem to have had any objective beyond killing people.


Does having an objective make the killings more palatable? I think that's the point that Streamline is really trying to make. If you are oppressed by some other group, and you slaughter a hundred of their people to try and terrorise them into letting you go free - is that still wrong? Is it more evil, or less evil, than killing a hundred people just because you feel like killing them?

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Brievik doesn't seem to have had any objective beyond killing people.


Does having an objective make the killings more palatable? I think that's the point that Streamline is really trying to make. If you are oppressed by some other group, and you slaughter a hundred of their people to try and terrorise them into letting you go free - is that still wrong? Is it more evil, or less evil, than killing a hundred people just because you feel like killing them?


In the example one individual was completely disenfranchised from society and was allowed no say whatsoever in the running of that society , and whose peers used violence as a last resort. The other individual who had as equal say in his society as any other, used direct violence upon people just because he disagreed with their views.


As comparisons go it's pretty lame, and one that seems to be clutching a straw that bends to the right. I wonder if Streamline would make such comparisons with Islam terrorists so freely?

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Brievik doesn't seem to have had any objective beyond killing people.

They've practically only just arrested him. They haven't really got into examining why he did it yet so I think it's too early to say his only objective was to kill people.

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He might be in years to come, who knows?



After all Nelson Mandela was a nationalist who once was considered a terrorist.


I don't think so.


What freedoms was Anders Behring Breivik trying to attain? None, he killed people because he didn't like what they thought and said.

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Not that different to many left wing regimes then is he?


True, one of the greatest days in modern history was the collapse of the USSR which was a murderous regime. History judges these regimes as such, and history will judge Anders Behring Breivik as a mass murderer.

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True, one of the greatest days in modern history was the collapse of the USSR which was a murderous regime. History judges these regimes as such, and history will judge Anders Behring Breivik as a mass murderer.


There again Nelson Mandela was viewed as a freedom fighther wasn't he?

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Someone will no doubt correct me but I can't think of any terrorists who have perpetrated acts of terrorism against their own people. I appreciate Irish against Irish may be sighted but they originate from different nations, don't they? There's lots of Muslim on Muslim attacks going on which is against the norm though. But are they from the same country? Do Iraqis kill Iraqis, no doubt someone will enlighten me.


In order to create terror there has to be some injustice felt. This is usually against an invading nation.


Just a though and another strand to the thread.....

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