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Norway Attacks Kill 91 People.

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Given that none of us has any idea of Norwegian law, and none of us has heard any legal evidence, it's pointless to speculate; nor are we likely to form part of any decision-making by its Courts either!


You mean they won't be having X Factor style telephone voting for the sentance? :mad:

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I've been hearing on the news that the maximum sentance this guy can get is 21 years! He should be locked up, until the day he dies.


yeah ive just read that and cant believe it


Mr Sponheim confirmed that the maximum time Mr Breivik could face in prison under Norwegian law is 21 years


and i thought our justice system was corrupt?


21 years for 93 deaths??


he'll be out when hes 53?

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and why he did it?


"He wished to attack society and the structure of society."


He added that the actions had been planned for some time.


The suspect is reported to have had links with right-wing extremists.


Still pictures of him, wearing a wetsuit and carrying an automatic weapon, appeared in a 12-minute anti-Muslim video called Knights Templar 2083, which appeared briefly on YouTube.


A 1,500-page document written in English and said to be by Mr Breivik - posted under the pseudonym of Andrew Berwick - was also put online hours before the attacks, suggesting they had been years in the planning.


The document and the video repeatedly refer to multiculturalism and Muslim immigration; the author claims to be a follower of the Knights Templar - a medieval Christian organisation involved in the Crusades, and sometimes revered by white supremacists.


Police have not speculated on motives for the attack but the bomb in Oslo targeted buildings connected to Norway's governing Labour Party, and the youth camp on Utoeya island was also run by the party.


In the document posted online, references were made to targeting "cultural Marxists/ multiculturalist traitors".


fits the profile of a few on here i reckon tbh

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Still, no UK political parties run summer camps. Why would one in Norway do so?

dunno, ask them


is it only norway that run them?


wonder why the political system in the uk is in decline?

wonder why less people vote?

maybe we should start?


dunno, personally i wouldnt want anything to do with any political party anyway

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I am open to anyone and welcome people who have different education and experiences to my own, I find other cultures and lifestyles interesting. For me all people are individuals regardless of their background. My tolerance is tested at the point when one persons intolerance is blind to understanding and empathy of others, and when that persons own arrogance leads to them believe that they are superior or more deserving than others and intend to cause harm and/or injustice. A bigot to me is prone to stereotype others, making wild, irrational and unsubstantiated judgements of stereotyped groups.


Perhaps your take on it is a little narrow, I'm interested on your reason for questioning me and how this relates to the Oslo attacks, do you believe there is going to be a perfectly reasonable explanation for what Anders Behring Breivik has done or are you just being generally pedantic?


I am sure Anders Behring Breivik will think he has a perfectly reasonable explanation; his explanation will no doubt be abhorrent to most of us but his reasons for doing what he did will probably be based on his experiences and education. He may have felt he had no choice in doing what he did because his opinions where of no importance to the majority. Calling him and people with similar beliefs to him stupid bigots will in no way prevent further atrocities and may alienate more people into carrying out such acts.

A bigot is person who is intolerant of any opinions differing from their own, so I would say that someone that called a person a stupid bigot because they have a different opinion is showing a degree of intolerance to that person, so is therefore also a bigot.

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Calling him and people with similar beliefs to him stupid bigots will in no way prevent further atrocities and may alienate more people into carrying out such acts.

A bigot is person who is intolerant of any opinions differing from their own, so I would say that someone that called a person a stupid bigot because they have a different opinion is showing a degree of intolerance to that person, so is therefore also a bigot.


In which case the Bigot Club has one new member...ME :thumbsup:

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