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Norway Attacks Kill 91 People.

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Why would a political party run a summer-camp anyway? None of the UK's do.


Lots of European mainland political parties do this in the school summer holidays. Germany's Young Socialists, Youth SPD and Liberals have them too.

For those with an interest in politics, it bolsters their sense of community. They discuss and debate, probably do other activities like canoeing and stuff.


Has to be better doing that instead of standing around stoned outside the local off-license, harassing passers by.

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Really? Which members do you know of that follow 'The Knights Templar' and pose with automatic weapons? You should tell the police.


not as such but theres a fair few that bang on about defending england and its christian faith from marxists and multicultaralism


one the other day even admitted to being a right wing christian fundamentalist :suspect:

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Bigotry is bigotry, whether it is based on class, culture, religion, skin colour or whatever it is all born of ignorance and fear. The boundless stupidity of bigots never ceases to amaze me, we are all people of the world and there isn't a great deal to differentiate one person from another other than experience and education; why so many people can't seem to get their heads around that one simple fact seems almost beyond comprehension to me.


Doesn’t your animosity and intolerance to the people you believe are bigots make you a bigot.


Absolutely not, my post in no way suggests animosity so much as incredulity at the irrational actions based on ignorance that would cause an arrogant and intolerant persons ability to hate; and more to the point in this case to act on an irrational hate to actually perform such an abhorrent execution as Oslo.


You have already accepted that the only difference between the people of the world is education and experience, and yet you appear to be intolerant of their differing experiences and education, calling them stupid because their experiences and education as sent them down a different path to yours.


I am open to anyone and welcome people who have different education and experiences to my own, I find other cultures and lifestyles interesting. For me all people are individuals regardless of their background. My tolerance is tested at the point when one persons intolerance is blind to understanding and empathy of others, and when that persons own arrogance leads to them believe that they are superior or more deserving than others and intend to cause harm and/or injustice. A bigot to me is prone to stereotype others, making wild, irrational and unsubstantiated judgements of stereotyped groups.


Perhaps your take on it is a little narrow, I'm interested on your reason for questioning me and how this relates to the Oslo attacks, do you believe there is going to be a perfectly reasonable explanation for what Anders Behring Breivik has done or are you just being generally pedantic?


I am sure Anders Behring Breivik will think he has a perfectly reasonable explanation; his explanation will no doubt be abhorrent to most of us but his reasons for doing what he did will probably be based on his experiences and education. He may have felt he had no choice in doing what he did because his opinions where of no importance to the majority. Calling him and people with similar beliefs to him stupid bigots will in no way prevent further atrocities and may alienate more people into carrying out such acts.

A bigot is person who is intolerant of any opinions differing from their own, so I would say that someone that called a person a stupid bigot because they have a different opinion is showing a degree of intolerance to that person, so is therefore also a bigot.


Where have I called anyone a stupid bigot?


The answer to my question is that you're just being generally pedantic then?

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My sympathies go to all those affected by this tragedy, unfortunately if political leaders ignore the concerns of the indigenous population about immigration and radical Islam you are going to get events like this from time to time.

and when youve got people hating muslims for nothing your going to get people moving to more extreme versions of islam


see a circle forming?

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The Met police were aware of the increasing threat of far right terrorism (in the UK) two years ago and have probably been keeping a watchful eye on it.



trouble is, people are now too paranoid about islam theyve taken their eyes off the ball regarding other extremists

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trouble is, people are now too paranoid about islam theyve taken their eyes off the ball regarding other extremists


Is that you "forming the circle"?


and when youve got people hating muslims for nothing your going to get people moving to more extreme versions of islam


see a circle forming?

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My sympathies go to all those affected by this tragedy, unfortunately if political leaders ignore the concerns of the indigenous population about immigration and radical Islam you are going to get events like this from time to time.


Nice way to excuse mass murder.

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