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Norway Attacks Kill 91 People.

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off you go then explain why there has been an increase in crime in Scandinavian countries since multiculturalism arrived..


None of them on the scale of this blonde hair and blue eyed murderer though.


Well it certainly looks as if this guy has reacted to changes in his country that he didn't like doesn't it? Or are you as an ideological preacher of multiculturalism going to deny that?


We shouldn't appease the murderous terrorists should we, lets stick with democracy and let the majority of people decide on who run the country not some right wing nutter. Maybe those people who aren't interested in democracy should respect our traditions and move to another country.

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I've no idea, I didn't know that was the case, but since you do perhaps you could describe the reasons why?


Take a break from researching the KKK and go look it up yourself.



That might have been his belief but it doesn't give any credibility to his reaction or are you going to claim otherwise?


I'm not trying to justify his reaction but here for you is the river of blood Enoch Powell talked about.

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Off topic-


I'm watching sky news and the Youth group leader is holding a press conference.

He left the Island when the shooting started. He FLED and left those poor kids to fend for themselves.

Ask yourself this honestly. How would you have responded if put in the same situation? It is very easy to be courageous sat at your PC.
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Take a break from researching the KKK and go look it up yourself.
I've never had an interest in the KKK, but I do in their former leader Johnny Clary, look him up..top bloke.




He could even inspire someone like you to change your ways.


I'm not trying to justify his reaction but here for you is the river of blood Enoch Powell talked about.

Well it's time for people who think like Breivik to man up and get over their petty prejudices.


From what I can see he had a good middle class upbringing, was educated, lived in the Norwegian countryside and made a pretty good living..nobody was threatening his life or lifestyle.

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Ask yourself this honestly. How would you have responded if put in the same situation? It is very easy to be courageous sat at your PC.



and yesterday somebody tried saying it wasnt a terrorist attack


apparently he told evedybody to gather round and then started firing with a machine gun


how terrifying would that be to you?

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This is the final warning. If there is any more bickering, name calling or abuse on this thread then it will be closed and accounts will be suspended.

A large number of people are dead perhaps showing some respect instead of petty point scoring might be considered more appropriate behaviour from adults

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This murderer who claimed lives of 92 innocent people, has turned to be a very big supporter for Israel and Zionism.


Breivik viewed Israel as an ally in the war against Islam. Alex Kane tweets that he wrote:


“Let’s end stupid support for Palestinians…start supporting our cultural cousin, Israel.”


He also wrote this:


Cultural conservatives believe Israel has a right to protect itself against Jihad…Sensible people should support Zionism (Israeli nationalism) which is Israel’s right to self-defence against Jihad.


More excerpts from his manifesto:


* If one acknowledges that Islam has always oppressed the Jews, one accepts that Israel was a necessary refuge for the Jews fleeing not only the European but also the Islamic variety of anti-Judaism.


* Since the break-up of the Islamic Empire following World War I, various jihads have been fought around the globe by the independent Muslim nations and sub-state jihadist groups. The most sustained effort has been directed against Israel, which has committed the unpardonable sin of rebuilding dar al-harb on land formerly a part of dar al-Islam.


* How can anyone delete the horror of Muslim oppression over Christians and Jews which lasted for centuries and stretched over continents?


* Western Journalists again and again systematically ignore serious Muslim attacks and rather focus on the Jews, [which] only adds to the stockpile of proof that all Western journalists support the EU’s Eurabia project, [and] their enemy (based on coverage) is the Israeli…government…


* Were the majority of the German and European Jews disloyal? Yes, at least the so called liberal Jews, similar to the liberal Jews today that oppose nationalism/Zionism and support multiculturalism. Jews that support multiculturalism today are as much of a threat to Israel and Zionism (Israeli nationalism) as they are to us. So let us fight together with Israel, with our Zionist brothers against all anti-Zionists, against all cultural Marxists/multiculturalists….So, are the current Jews in Europe and US disloyal? The multiculturalist (nation-wrecking) Jews ARE, while the conservative Jews ARE NOT. Aprox. 75% of European/US Jews support multiculturalism while aprox. 50% of Israeli Jews does the same. This shows very clearly that we must embrace the remaining loyal Jews as brothers rather than repeating the mistake of the NSDAP. Whenever I discuss the Middle East issue with a national socialist he presents the anti-Israeli and pro-Palestine argument. He always seem unaware of the fact that his propaganda is hurting Israeli nationalists (who want to deport the Muslims from Israel) and that he is in fact helping the Israeli cultural Marxists/multiculturalists with his argumentation.


he especially admires Avigdor Lieberman and his Yisrael Beitenu Party. Outside Israel, he also follows the writing of Pam Geller, Robert Spencer (referenced 46 times in the Breivik manifesto) and Daniel Pipes (11 times).



you can read more about it on this link:



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:huh: How exactly do you figure that Fascists are more dangerous than Islamofascists?


What ignorance.

It's also interesting to note how you use "fascist" as an insult while your own politics are clearly fascist.


Possibly so because they have been ignored for a while. I don't know if upinwath has his own rationale, or what it might be. I don't think he would take kindly to me speaking for him.


Feel free - That's part of my answer. :)


Possibly because they are more "acceptable" to society and so they are not noticed till it's too late.


And there goes most of the rest of it.


The EDL and BNP have more members who have been convicted of violence than any other political/religious/social group (pro rata) in the UK.

Many of their members have a string of convictions for serious crime including terrorist offences but that is ignored by the general public and the press.


There have been several terror attacks by their members but they hardly get any press coverage at all. That hidden truth makes them very dangerous. I can see the sad events in Norway being repeated in the UK by one of their sick monsters.


The latest murderer's rants are pretty much the same as we hear from the BNP and EDL. How much warning do we need of the serious danger from these groups?

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